So I currently use Edge as my web browser (and DuckDuckGo as my search engine) because I avoid Google’s services when possible. I have heard several good comments about Firefox recently. Is it worth the switch?

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    Hum =.= Can't tell if it's a joke, or actually a serious question.
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    @CorruptComputer he did not mention privacy concerns. Maybe he just doesn't like Google as a company. I see no inconsistency.

    Back on @SecondThread 's question, I mainly used edge for the past year while on a windows boot and after trying out Quantum I'll probably switch to it. It's pretty good at resource management and I really dig the design. I'm not a web developer so I can't speak for the tools.
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    i am using edge on my personal devices and ff quantum at work. both are super fast and enjoying them alot. i still prefer edge since it is less battery demanding.

    i was an ff user before switching to edge, swtched when since edge got extensions support last year, i never looked back to ff.
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    btw, been using ff quantum at work since first beta.
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    Using Edge and Firefox Focus on my mobile.
    Edge and Firefox Quantum on my pc. Both are good. Using Edge as primary and Firefox as fallback.
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    It's not worth the switch at all. You know it takes soooo much effort and has problematic migration steps to get to another browser...

    Wtf are you taking about dude just try it and see if you like it. Also being afraid of Google and using monitor OS+it's build in browser seems a bit silly to me.
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    I've never seen a dev using Microsoft Edge, it was meant to stay like that 😫
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    To be fair, what other web browsers bribe you with rewards points to use them? :P
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    @FlexibleCoder63 Wait... Is this for real?
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    @Totchinuko Yuppers. 5 points per hour, up to 500 pts per month. Plus points just for using Bing. It's honestly pretty sad. XD
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    @FlexibleCoder63 oh boy... I know desperate situation call desperate means... But damn, bribing the users 😐 And you can do anything with those points? I'm curious now...
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    @Totchinuko sweepstakes, donations, and swag. Some of the sweepstakes are tempting, but unless you buy something at the Microsoft Store (1 pt per dollar spent), the points needed to buy a significant number of sweepstake entries is obnoxiously high.
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    @FlexibleCoder63 here you go, you got yourself an avatar 😊
    Damn... They really do try to bribe people into using their shite.

    And welcome btw
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    @Totchinuko Thank you! I'm happy to be a part of such an understanding community! 😁
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    @FlexibleCoder63 Me I'm just happy for the fact that's a community that didn't kick me out... Yet.
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    Firefox + ublock origin + privacy badger seems like a better solution perhaps?
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    Perhaps Firefox quantum even
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    @LetsCodeAlready Don't forget https everywhere.
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    @CorruptComputer nah, I don’t use chrome for political reasons, mainly. I have far fewer political issues with Microsoft.
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