
How do you learn new languages?

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    My first language was Python. I learned from a book called learn Python the hard way(https://learnpythonthehardway.org/b...). If you want to absorb more information then you should go with languages's official doc.
  • 14
    If you ever wanted to learn any specific language/framework/etc, just tell everyone that you know it till they give you a project in it. The next step is stackoverflow.
    Works like a charm
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    Open a blank file, mash together some incoherent feature(s) with said new language until it/they work, then find a better way to do it.

    Also welcome to devRant 👍
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    My first step is to search on github for repositories. Is the easy way to learn.
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    Challenge yourself... You know pseudo-code, right?

    Then a new language it's first syntax then goodies! So, take a small project you have and challenge yourself to reimplement it in a new language.

    Only with practice will you truly know a language: what it can do better, what it can't do that to well, it's quirks and needs...
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    @calmyourtities nowhere do I see the op asking for 5 minute solutions so not sure where your comment is comming from.
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    I take the following steps:

    1. Go through initial documents, most laguages have a basic tutorial on their site, and depending on the paradigm will I know what to look for (if a heavily oop language i go into that etc)
    2. Get a book on the topic (free solutions are everywhere and fine most of the time) and expand on it.
    3. Read online tutorials or blog posts from others.
    4. Replicate an existing project that I may have in another stack with the advantages of the new language.

    To me its pretty fun :)
  • -1
    @AleCx04 he clearly didn't put in effort; there's hundreds of tutorials online and he looks as if he didn't even attempt one
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    @calmyourtities how do you get to that? It seems to me that op is just asking for our way of doing things
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    @AleCx04 its such a common thing its practically like asking "what's your favorite color?"
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    @calmyourtities how about "how do you like your coffee?" Is English your first language? I think the issue here is that you think that the op is asking how to do it instead of how each one of us prefers to do it.....2 different things.
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    @AleCx04 by his linguistics I think he was asking for a step by step tutorial. there's no possible way to know that's stated by the laws of the english language. if he wanted to see how to learn, he should look at the endless supply of resources online
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    @calmyourtities by his linguistics?if anything then he would have said "how can I learn new languages?". I legit see it as someone asking me my way of doing things. Its like saying "what do you like doing in order to learn a new language?"
  • 5
    I agree 5 min solutions don’t teach you much.

    But for all we know OP is just curious how others learn new things?
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    @AleCx04 but that's still an informal way of asking how to do it, his usage of 'you' is most likely redundant

    @C0D4 I wouldn't expect that, althought there is no way to know
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    @calmyourtities far fetched really. If you cannot be sure then why don't you ask instead of taking the unfriendly route telling him to stop asking for 5 minute tutorials? If you cannot be sure of his meaning you could have asked right?
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    Through Jihad
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    @AleCx04 I can assume what I want, generally one does not join a new network and asks a very broad question randomly. he didn't bother to give any details, it's making this community practically into quora
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    @calmyourtities tf you think this is? S.O? There are no rules here, nor any moderators, so don't act like one.
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    @AleCx04 it’s not quite SO.
    @calmyourtities at least left a reason 😂
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    @AleCx04 I'm acting like a moderator? all I did was tell him he should just put in effort by the means of a sarcastic remark. after all effort is really all that's necessary; that and a computer. the fact that he didn't bother to ask a very constructive question may not warrent for sarcasm, but that's the path I chose to take. its not harmful, just a snarky remark. if you can't be ok with that you shouldn't be on network where people want to tell their clients to kill themselves. and yes, if you didn't know, there are rules on here, such as the "no politics" on dfox added to avoid heated political debetes
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    Once you learn one language, any new ones are simply a matter of understanding the differences. That way, you don't start from ground zero every time you crack open a new language.
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    @NoMad dammit I lost my chance
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    Connect yourself to the matrix, ask your mate to load up the files in your head. BAM! Done.
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    Normally i would buy a grammar book, then a dictonary and try to speak the words from a movie in the specific language to develop a understanding of the pronounciation. What follows is looking for a native that i can have a drink with, and having a good time saying stuff with my broken accent. Normally after 6 months your toung and ears are adjusted to the language and you can improve your grammatical abilities.

    Leared 5 Languages like that.

    For programming, just smash your hands on they keyboard.
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    @calmyourtities calm your tities man
  • 3
    If he wanted a quick 5 min answer, he would have asked "How do I learn new languages" don't you think? I personally think he means to ask how different people do it. You can take it however you want. 😊

    That aside, there was a weekly question sometime ago about how each of us learns a new language. Plenty of replies there. You should check it out. It was on wk74 apparently.

    Btw, how do you, and you in particular and no one other, learn new language, @calmyourtities ? 😁
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    Oh and @fatihy, welcome to devRant. The World welcomes you.
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    @World it's natural now, considering I have to do x in y because I always have to help my friends make x, but I think all the skills are transferable as long as you're moving from languages of the same type to the same type (ex OOP to OOP or functional to functional). I'd try codecademy to start, and please @fatihy, don't use code.org. how do you learn @World ?
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    @calmyourtities I really don't know. As you said, most concepts are transferrable but each language is still you unique. You don't find the "for x in y" of Python in C. So my best take is to read the docs and develop. If I encounter a problem, google it, find a SO or some other link to what to do exactly and why I am getting the error and refer to docs for details.
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    Function learning(){
    } // Internal madness without exit.

    That's how I go around and around and around..
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    Simply don't... jk
    Hello world
    Web server
    Contoso thingy-thing
  • 0
    Along with other sites i would suggest following site also to learn new programming languages.

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