
red even got me up to 28.8K and I didn't realize it was a modem speed, dang:

  • 10
    Never had a 28.8k. i went from a 14.4k to a 56.6k, what a jump! Combine that with a turbo button to get to 66MHz and the world was my oyster!
  • 2
  • 5
    Damn. I used to work for an ISP and we had 3 full racks of US Robotics V.Everything stacked on top each other connected to portmaster equipment that controls all modems. If you're having a bad day and want to spread the "love", you can issue a command that disconnects all of the modems at once.
  • 1
    Had that exact modem. Ahhh...the Procomm and BBS memories.
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