
When I’m getting to 100k MRR, if I have any developers but me, I’m gonna spoil them. I mean making them obscenely spoiled. Here, take your 4 times the market salary. Enjoy the culture and never leave.

Why? Because my architecture approach makes products that don’t need many devs, plus I don’t like making useless features. Every product has a scope. Every scope can be completed. “There are always tasks” notion is wrong.

Also, because to me 1000% and 10000% margins aren’t different at all. Those who seek MOAR and MOAR money, amassing more money than they can ever spend, do it out of fear.
I don’t have any kind of fear. Those who looked their death straight in the eyes don’t fear materialistic misfortunes.

My favorite word is “enough”. I speak it to myself several times a day, over and over, like a mantra. It helps me overcome but-what-ifs that plague people to the point of using next.js just to make trivial saas apps that can be replaced by Excel in one week of work.

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    you think that until you get acquired and get a "board of directors". They'll make you fire half the workforce and if you refuse you can get booted too.

    And oh yeah, all of the graphs must point upwards, because corporate...
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    @SidTheITGuy well, exactly because I don't care about the difference between 1000 and 10000, I won't be acquired. Why raise funds if you had 100k MRR while spending 40k? There are a lot of successful founder-owned tech startups out there. Those who raise just because that's what kewl startups do take debt out of greed, cargo cult and clownish belief in infinite growth.
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    There's two types of software products: Those that burn through investor money and those that are profitable.
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    i would be interested to hear more about the architecture approach you mentioned
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    1. eliminate frameworks

    2. remove all unit tests

    3. abolish static typing

    4. say the word "enough" aloud at least every 10 minutes

    5. hit your fingers with an edge of your IBM ThinkPad T42 (we buy you one) really hard every time you ask yourself "but what if" and start thinking about scaling
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    @kiki Maybe I miss an implied /s but at least a good (static) type system and (not only unit) tests are massively improving reliability & ability to reason about a program for me. Especially for large scale programs!
    But then I can see how as a solo dev your programs are likely much smaller and it's easier to "know how it works"™..
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    @saucyatom my approach makes development pace ridiculously fast, thus making cost of one iteration really cheap. It means you have more "lives" in the game of "make the business viable before the money runs out".

    The prototype surviving long enough to have scaling issues is an exception, not a rule. So, let us treat it as such. It's not like my code is slow or something. It's fast and very organized, but it won't survive fifty developers working on it in parallel.
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    @kiki nice, i emphatically agree with every one of those points except #3. people who insist on doing/using convoluted bullshit make me absolutely seethe, and i work in C# .NET land, so i seethe a lot 😔
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