
Are any of you "cursed" with a particular set of software tools/programs?
Take me for example, I cannot use Adobe shit or it crashes. The same thing can be said for Microsoft Office. Anything in there, it does not matter. It always crashes on me. I continuously get the "Not responding" status. Regardless of operating system.

This has made me absolutely *despise* anything that is Microsoft Office or from Adobe. Now, I am sure you can all guess how and during what circumstances I would have to touch Microsoft stuff, work and the like.

But Adobe, mainly photoshop because it is what my designer uses for mockups and the sort. Dude has been constantly baffled when I show him me trying to open something only for it to crash. And we have made the experiment, in which two of my other employees would use MY COMPUTER to open something in Adobe and it would not crash on them. But the fucking moment I attempt to open anything in these two pieces of shit, guess what? it crashes.

I fkn hate Office and Adobe products

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    When you need to bless/exorcise you and your PC.
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    Linux distros

    I broke every one I tried in 24 hours

    Up until I tried arch derivative ones, those ones work!
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    I knew a gal who could "affect" electronic systems. They told me the stories and I thought that was "interesting". Then I watched her walk past a flat screen monitor and it flickered and changed colors like the old CRTs did around a strong magnetic field. It wasn't static because it was a static controlled environment with static grounding on the floor tiles. The flat monitor was encased in metal except for the front of the monitor. My electrical background tells me what I was seeing was impossible.
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    Every time I play the game Sacred, something terrible happens like a drive dies, my PSU fries something, etc. Doesn’t happen right away, but usually within a couple weeks of playing. This has happened three times in a row, so I just don’t play it anymore. (Sacred 2 doesn’t seem to have the curse, though it’s kinda meh so I don’t play it anyway.)

    Typical env setup for work projects leads to lots of failures I need to find workarounds for, despite working for everyone else. Version conflicts, build errors, slowness, etc. It happens almost every time.

    Endless Bluetooth problems, no matter what. Different distros, different adapters, same results.

    IIS? I can make someone else’s code crash consistently just by touching the server in any way. Reboot? Modify a config and then revert it? Remote desktop connection and opening notepad? Anything. Their web app now crashes on launch, every single time without fail. Someone else reboots, and it all works just fine! I gave up. It just hates me. (And it’s mutual, let me tell you…)

    This isn’t limited to tech. I can’t get breading to stick no matter what I do, even with coaching. I do the same thing as someone else, right in front of them using the same egg wash and flour — and even let them put it in the pan! — and my breading just falls off while theirs turns out perfectly. I don’t get it.

    Men, whatever. Curses keep things interesting.
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    @Demolishun that is actually fascinating. Wondering what the cause for something like that would be. Makes it sound like that one person had her own electromagnetic field lol
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    @jestdotty you are essentially naming my experience with Red hat based distros. Not because they are inherently bad, but I got too used with how things work for Debian based ones and I keep trying to replicate what I do on them on the Red hat based ones. More of my fault really
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