
Us users would never accept data lock-in for photos and videos from the camera app on smartphones.

Yet, for some reason, we accepted data lock-in for saved pages on mobile web browsers.

  • 5
    This is one of the reasons why root access is mandatory on a smartphone.
  • 4
    @electrineer Indeed. No root = no ownership.
  • 0
    I don't think Firefox even has that feature. Anyway it isn't exactly useful on a phone so I don't mind. If you really desperately want to work with what your phone sees, I think I'd start with remote debugging.
  • 1
    Who saves web pages on mobile?
    Or at all?

    (Okay, I do for some receipts)
  • 0
    @Root And if those pages with the recipes get taken down, you wanna be able to move them to a new phone. ;-)
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