
I feel like the world has truly gone nuts
I hope we wake up at some point

but even these words won't make sense to anyone, because they're all words that have had their meanings rewritten... we're in a kill box, and all the signs are there, and yet we drudge along, ignoring the red flags

slowly suffocating, justifying the suffocation
but even those words have been rewritten

it feels like the stories of USSR my mom would tell me, unknowing that that wasn't how the western world worked in the 90s. Her attitude towards life makes more sense now, because that's how you'd have to act to survive in such a place. I didn't like her acting that way, but I might have to do the same one day

  • 3
  • 1
    There is only one way to deal with it:
    You realize that you can’t do anything to prevent the madness from spreading and live the rest of your life as a cynical but somewhat sane person.
  • 0
    Have you considered drugs?
  • 0
    Everything is fine. Stop following "the news"
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