
JavaScript job or Java job?

  • 6
    It's both the same
  • 0
    @J-2FA in my area I see JS rising but java is more demanded
  • 1
    JavaScript at the moment, it's way more in demand while Java is on a very slow decline. I haven't really seen Java chosen for new projects apart from android apps, and even there Kotlin and C++ are starting to dominate. So in my opinion, if you are looking for a job, in Java, there is a good chance you are maintaining old software, JavaScript slightly less so.

    This is just my experience btw, Java is still the most popular language depending on which site you look at, but it could look very different in 5-10 years time.
  • 0
    @Wozza365 that's why I get worried. Everyone says that JS will be the most popular language in the next few years. But many companies still work with Java
  • 3
    @Mrtins personally I chose JavaScript over Java. I don't really wanna maintain old projects my while career, JavaScript just seems to offer something a little more interesting and the web is not something that's going to decline in popularity for the foreseeable future. And JavaScript will always be the main language of the web even with WebAssembly slowly getting popular.
  • 4
    Isn't Java short for JavaScript?
  • 1

    I love you toooo ❤️
  • 1
    @Cyanite Someone stole my comment! Haha
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