people who write one word commit messages


  • 6
    I have an alias for that

    alias gc="git add . && git commit -m 'done' && git push"

    I use it more than I care to mention
  • 8
    @kiki boooooooo

    I mean its fine if you're the only dev (personal / small project)

    but i'm in this big team and the guy commits with commit message the name of the branch itself? i mean what does that tell me? i know the branch name... cringe
  • 0
    @fullstackcircus you don't need to know. It won't matter in code review because you always examine the end result, and when it's lgtm and the pr is merged, it doesn't matter either — the thing works, that's all you have to know.

    You wanna know something about the code? Read comments. You don't get it? Ask, then improve the comments with your newfound knowledge.

    Oh, you don't write comments? That's a way bigger problem than commit messages.
  • 3
    by the way, self-documenting code is not an alternative to comments. It documents WHAT happens, but comments are there to explain WHY it happens. My code is always very terse, but I make up for it with extensive commenting.
  • 3
    You know you're doing it wrong when @Kiki and I agree on something.

    Commits are pointless, rebase and merge, no commits 🤷‍♂ï¸

    Get good at PR's and Release notes, these matter more than a commit from 5 years ago.
  • 2
    Bro do we even need proper commit messages? Ask LLM to describe the git diff, LMAO
  • 4
    I know of a guy who wins this contest. He was developing a game engine for years and years, and he made nearly every single commit message just fucking 'ok'. Absolute madman!
  • 5
    git commit -m '👌'
  • 1
    @Liebranca he must have kept saying "ok" to himself
  • 0
    1. Enforce PR:s (no direct master commits)
    2. Enforce all PR:s to be approved and squash-merged

    Now you at least will not see any bullshit commits in master/main.

    (Usually people will write a decent PR title even if their commit messages suck)
  • 2
    Splitting a unit of work up into a series of small but concise commits have been valuable for me.

    I often need to cherry pick work between branches that’s corresponding to jira tickets a customer requested.

    On my own & usually public projects, it’s often littered with “wip” that eventually leads to a commit message consisting of the feature name.
  • 1
    @asgs Well, that's deep...
  • 1
    Fucking clown world bruh
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