
I like how software is smart so I have to do things twice instead of once.

Automatically putting quotes works only if you put quotes and then paste inside it, the problem is I usually paste then put first quote and then need to remove second quote and put it on back and remove second quote from back.

Video start from where you left automatically fires and shows closing credits because you obviously want to see them.

Evaluate variable removes old evaluation because why you want old one when you have new.

Collapsing imports or functions in ide so you need to expand them all the time because who needs to look at functions when we have ai

AI models suggesting and adding meaningless annotations and code suggestions to distract me.

Randomly running some console command because I entered keyboard shortcut I don’t know even exists.

Literally every web browser address bar becomes advertising network instead of showing me history results.

Shadowing browsing history when you click back and forward button.

Search results are now buy results.

Suggesting me useless crap to watch because I watched one video in that topic.

Showing me 10 minutes videos as a solution to my problem where I want to find exact line of text to copy paste it. If I’m lucky I need to write text from video into my computer.

Stack overflow infinite loop of answered in #some-different-question

I think it’s about time for me to slowly retire from programming and software as a whole or switch to notepad because I don’t want to use this crap anymore.

Looks like software is now meant for entertainment and distraction instead of doing actual work where you need precise data and information.

Luckily if everything goes good I can retire soon and throw everything away for a while.

  • 3
    I forgot about.

    Constantly showing me tooltips and what’s new page everywhere because I need to know that.

    Altering my ui because ot would be better for me to learn to how to use it again.

    Moving things from one place to another so I can’t find them.

    Automatic copy when you select so I need to make sure nothing is selected before I want to paste things from other software.

    Adding every other option and removing the one I was using.
  • 0
    I agree with most of those points.

    What do you mean with that "Evaluate variable" point?
  • 1
    @Lensflare I think that it refers to the debugger feature. "Evaluate expression". And you only get the most recent evaluated value, and it looks like the complain is, "I can't see the history of values".
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