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    ew, provisions for initiatives. disgusting
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    Russell can eat shit, honestly, and I sincerely hope he burns in hell.

    "For the purposes of classification we may roughly distinguish four kinds of wars (...) 1. Wars of Colonization; 2. Wars of Principle; 3. Wars of Self-defence; 4. Wars of Prestige. Of these four kinds I should say that the FIRST and second are fairly often JUSTIFIED; the third seldom, EXCEPT against an adversary of INFERIOR CIVILIZATION, and the fourth, which is the sort to which the present war belongs, never."

    Now, some may """argue""" that he was a man of his time. That, if the quotes don't give it away, is not an argument; you may not know this, but murder and theft were already very well understood to be crimes with codified laws dating back some 4,000 years at the very least.

    Supremacism doesn't fare any better, as "all men are equal in the eyes of God" is -- demonstrably -- an idea half as old.

    Thus, date of birth as an excuse, my fucking ass; may his rotten soul be cast into the fire.
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    whats the book
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    @jestdotty People praise the backwards fucker to this day. Progress!

    @superdupernova The Impact of Science on Society, if wikiquotes is to be trusted.
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    @jestdotty "one is religion" especially Islam. That's why they've been invading middle east for decades.
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    Of course, Muslims are good, smart and disciplined people.

    But why did they paint them as terrorists in the US? If you have a Transgender agenda, then Muslims are a problem.
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    @jestdotty There was no plane at all. It was added after for the broadcast. Messed up the explosive order with Building 7. But there was one small military jet.

    Also, the World Trade Center is a symbol for double helix of DNA. And now they're destroyed and just a single helix, representing Transgenderism. Lucifer is transgender. All world events are planned.

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