I am witnessing Einsteins theory of relativity first hand, I’m amazed. The closer I get to Microsoft products, the slower my velocity becomes. At 9 PM, I have tried to connect a MS SQL Server to an ERP System for 30 minutes. After this piece of shit robbed me of all my energy, I look at the clock and it’s midnight. Go die in a dumpster fire Microsoft

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    As a major data architecture nerd of over 2 decades, MS SQL is trash. I would literally rather use a manually coded, from scratch (like empty text docs in notepad.exe or equivalent), system of JSON files than MS SQL. Seriously, I have done that.

    It's redundant, slow, buggy and forces updates like any modern windows distro that i havent given a scripted, registry and beyond, lobotomy to. There is no valid reason i have found to implement that crap in my vast experience... and i found valid uses for python, current cobol, letters from jehovas witnesses, most parts of old dell and hp laptops, very expired condoms, old and shorted mini usb chargers, hundreds of random failed charlie sheen t-shirts and the book Wuthering Heights.

    I would question the stability/future of any company that's using it.
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    @awesomeest im starting to question that too. The company who produces this ERP ONLY offers a MS-SQL connector.

    I couldn’t download azure data studio anyway. It threw an ungracefully handled 500 status. Probably my guardian angel
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    @Chewbanacas i steer clear of azure, or anything else that tries to onboard people by encompassing vast resources to make itself viewed as an essential lifestyle that you need to be a part of. Like cults for instance.
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