
I think I’m gonna take a break from devRant, because it’s getting boring seeing “how bad iOS/Windows is” every second rant.

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    Add retarded language wars too.
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    @AleCx04 to be honest, devRant is slowly turning into another Reddit, but that’s just mine opinion
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    @athlon i agree 100% with that sentiment really. And what makes it worse is that I see a lot of that comming from "tenured" members and new members alike
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    Add the privacy rants please
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    @tahnik I'll add more of those ;)
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    I also feel an increasing amount of rants about people ranting about bad os'es :D
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    @AleCx04 @athlon
    devRant has been under some heavy effects of normification recently, but I believe it'll eventually get better
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    Honestly though, how do you expect this not to become another Reddit with time. Text posts, images, upvote/downvote, feed based on upvotes and time passed. Exact same thing
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    @ModernShoe it’s about people’s attitude
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    When I joined Devrant that time was lots of long rants
    Now i mostly see meme or picture or copied from Twitter thing
    Rarely see any good proper "rant" 😓
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    tAbs vS sPaCes!!!1!1!!!!
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    I think the problem also lies in the fact that users are calling "fake" on a rant that seems absurd. This also happened to me (although the story I posted really happened) which kinda stole the motivation for me to post more of that.
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    @Thewebdev the top 10 posts with funny storys, solid rant or advice for new developers is what hooked me on devrant.

    But nowadays people, I think are only up to collect ++. I've seen already some people wanted like 100++ for posting part2 of their shit
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