I'm refactoring one of our react apps. And want to kill people so much !!!! Why the hell do you write if true return true else return false ?!?!!! Decomposing coupled classes in independant on es doesn't work if they are still coupled !!!!! Reducers must be done in functional !!!!!!
If you can't write in english then don't FUCKING WRITE IN ENGLISH YOUR FUCKING COMMENTS !!!!!!!! Comments are there to help other to understand YOUR code, other need to be able to réas it !!!!!

WHY ?!?!?!

On the bright side it means some dojos....

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    FUCK ME !!!! They refactored and "tested" dead code !!!! How the fuck you do that !!! Thé component is never used. There is a fucking TODO task in the header comments !!!!

    On the bright si de I know who will write our BDD test in gherkin. That's à good thing, and is driven by the PM.
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