
# ./symfony test:unit

Propel-Exception: Unable to execute DELTE ALL statement [...] Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails.

WHY ist a UNIT TEST reaching out to a REAL data base?
And who in their right mind would create a different data base schema for the tests?
This was with a clone of the real thing. Removing the FK results in double PK-errors...

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    "if it makes a network call - it's no longer a unit test"
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    @dUcKtYpEd it's a symfony 1.4 app, that I'm currently porting to 1.5 (unofficial symfony1 fork by the friendsofsymfony account on github) to support php7

    And I have no idea, what the original author was doing back in 2008. He had already left the company when I started here a couple of years ago...
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