
Does anyone else have really bad focus issues? when I'm supposed to be studying I'll be able to focus for about 10 minutes maximum before I end up on my phone or Getting distracted on YouTube

  • 1
    I have the same issue but I recently realized that fixing myself some objectives and deadlines really helped me to focus.
    Just the fact that you pass the two user stories you have been working on all day to the Done column is really satisfying
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    @Lython God I'd kill to get an Adderall prescription. I've had a friend give me a few and that shit is magical.

    I used it to study for my must pass chemistry final last year and it felt awesome
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    @Lython I shouldn't have even been taking that class hahaha.

    My uni requires a sequence of lab classes for a CS degree, and like a dumbass, I picked the 2nd hardest one on that list.
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    @Lython That class genuinely did make me cry one day 😂😂 😂
  • 2
    Hm yeah me too... I listen to music (only silent-ish in the background) and that helps. Also I tell my GF (the person I frequently chat with) that I will be offline for about 2-3 hours so I know that nothing important will cut my learning.
  • 1
    Since it's study, it must be because you are not very fond of the subject. It happens to me too with boring courses, but never with programming.
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