
Vim is super easy, guys! You don't use arrows to navigate around the text, that's too obvious! Instead you use HJKL keys, because it goes Hup, Jleft, Kright and Ldown. You can also use B to go Beginning and E to go to End of the word, oh and W to go to the WstartOfNextWord.

  • 9
    Its Hleft, Jdown, Kup, Lright.
  • 2
    @metamourge oh, silly me. I feel like a first grader learning the alphabet!
  • 1
    what did this person drunk and smoked after his lobotomy when he thought this bad joke?
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    ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) makes sense~
  • 4
    @stop as a stoner, I refuse to believe this was induced by herb.
    Besides...I can still operate Vim while under the influence.
    H is the leftmost of the four and goes left.
    L is the rightmost key and goes right.
    J is shaped like a downward arrow and goes down.
    K and up are the two things still left and a little bit of logical thinking allows matching them with ease.
  • 1
    @ilPinguino WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?! You know what else is shaped like arrows on the keyboard? Arrows!
  • 3
    @athlon vi was introduced at a time when keyboards didnt have arrow keys yet.
  • 1
    @gathurian it’s like saying “yeah, our cars are generating more pollution than others, because back in the day there was no such thing as catalytic converter”

    Maybe I’m just complaining, or I don’t get Vim’s idea, but why on earth would anyone use it?
  • 3
    @athlon I mean, you CAN use the arrow keys in vim now if you want to.
    I just like that you dont have to move your hand away from the 'baseline' of the keyboard (asdf...) to move around.
  • 2
    @athlon then you did not got the idea of vim. @gathurian is right with not having to move your hands when using HJKL
  • 1
    Might be a noobish question, but after reading the post my only question is: How do you actually type?
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    from the commandmode: type i
    from the insert mode: type what you want
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    @Fabian Vim has several modes. Your keyboard only 'works' if you're in the 'insert' mode (usually entered by pressing 'i').
    If you want to move around with HJKL you press 'Esc' (most avid vim users remap that to Caps). Your keyboard input wont be written to file anymore. There's also Visual mode (v/V) to highlight text and Replace mode (r) to replace whatever is under the cursor at the moment.
  • 1
    @gathurian yeah but you still need to press escape to get out of insert mode, unless there is some other way I don’t know
  • 3
    @gruff Yeah, Esc, or as I said, most people who use vim a lot have mapped that key to something more accessible, like Caps Lock
  • 1
    @gathurian thanks I’ll give that a try
  • 0
    Just... skip the hassle and use nano.

    ^_0.0 - beginning of file
    ^W - save (Write out, some versions also support ^S)
    ^C - Cursor position
    ^X - eXit

    this is easier to remember (AND ALWAYS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING SCREEN)
  • 1
    @Parzi you can deactivate it if you dont need it.
  • 1
    @Parzi When I try Ctrl+S , it says "[ XOFF ignored, mumble mumble ]". I don't know what "XOFF" is, but the rest is a funny little reminder that Ctrl+S doesn't work. The next best thing would be to… just make it work.
  • 0
    @Fabian I said SOME. Dunno why others don't.
  • 0
    xon and xoff are special combinationswhich where used to pause and resume a download
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