
Oh my gawd, it's only been years since this should have been a thing.

But today, since no ones beat me to it, let me share Github's official mobile app - currently taking beta signups for both IOS and Android.


  • 0
    Well I use their desktop site on phone cause mobile site sucks and can’t do reviews on my phone so I hope they make something more then issues / code / wiki view.
  • 2
    Wtf why? When do people code on phones?? Let's NOT make Git repo servers social, pls.
  • 0
    @cprn when I'm not at a computer, and need to quickly access the code base to double check something.

    Outside of that, no I wouldn't manage a repo from a phone.
  • 0
    @C0D4 Even then. How can you be sure you don't need to write and run a test to confirm whatever you're looking for? Answering questions about your software is a QA thing. You can't do code level QA on a mobile. At least can't do it well.

    "GitHub app - do your job less well way easier".
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