
Without data to support a feature...
How do you think we will be able to develop such feature??? For fucks sake 🤦‍♂️😂

  • 7
    Using the 3G methodology: Google, guesstimate, and good luck. ^^
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop fuck this shit 😭
  • 5
    Make wild assumptions about the data you'll work with, put those assumptions into an email, send it to pm and cc the highest boss you can think of and ask for approval "before you waste valuable company time". Since you are now on an open field your pm, being management, will write up a lengthy, elaborate definition of the data you can expect just to look good in front of the higher ups.

    He got to stroke his ego, said higher ups will probably never even look into that mail and you get the specs you need. Added benefit: If it inevitably turns out to be bullshit you got your approval in written form.
  • 0
    If there are no requrements for the data, you have to create them. Then you will have to beat the guys who will provide the data to make sure they do it to your specification.
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