
Should I buy a Surface pro or get a pc assembled for Linux or get a pc assembled for Windows. I'm new to dev and not planning to be a web dev. I already have a MacBook Pro and at work I have a Windows desktop. Also I'm planning to get in to gaming. Whatever OS it is I will be exploring it and learning. I have read so much on what would be thr best option but still can't make a decision.

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    welcome to devrant,

    you already seem to have everything you need to get started, and even to become an expert

    there is something about a carpenter and his tools but lets not get into that

    gaming, well windows or console, the rest is not even worth arguing about
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    Don't be afraid to try them all, particularly Linux you can do a live cd to try it without installing it onto your hard drive. It's by far the easiest way to try distros :)
    If you do get into Linux don't be afraid to break stuff go for it and figure out how to fix it! You'll be a pro in no time

    For gaming it's windows I'm afraid you *can* get it working on other OS but it's a pain in the arse...

    happy Hacking bud!

    Forgot to mention you can do all of the above with your current hardware
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    Stick to familiar tools. Someone smarter than me said that tools don't matter and are just one of the ways you procrastinate.

    Use the MacPro. Put the extra money in books and courses. Don't waste it on a new laptop. It won't help you get better.

    Of course if your current tools are so old that you have to wait a lot of time in loading screens and such, then it is a good investment. Whatever gets you putting your idea to code faster.
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    Install your favorite Linux distro on MBP. And don't forget to buy a PS4 or whatever is latest these days.
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    @StefanH that is a single most valuable piece of advice for any youth hanging at devRant. Gaming is a single most horrible sink of time that you can engage in. If you are not into it don't even start. Mastery is achieved through putting in the time. If you use it playing you will not achieve it.

    There are benefits in moderate enjoyment, but if you don't have the discipline to limit it, it becomes harmful.
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    Thanks guys. You have really convinced me to not focus on gaming. I will probably do some casual gaming though.
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