
As a person with a low grit personality, learning to program well is close to impossible. If it doesn't work in the first two or thee attempts I tend to loose interest and move on to something else. Can I do anything to help this?

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    Maybe try to determine why you lose interest. What keeps me going is the will to solve my problem. Get better. Try to find some source of motivation for yourself. Why do you want to program?
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    Don't think of the exercise as a single large task.

    Break it down into a bunch of small tasks, should be easier to tackle it this way and give you some encouragement as you overcome each one.

    I often do that
    Popping out the output to console as i go along
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    What @boubalo said.

    This advice you could use in general as well. Find the fun and empowerment of conquering every little task outside your comfort zone to build up your self esteem. Eventually you'll acknowledge the improvement, feel better about yourself and do better overall.
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    "Low grit" actually is the lack of motivation to keep working on a problem, which is the essence of this.

    Well, 2 month until graduation, and I may be the first software engineer graduating without the ability to actually write code!
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    Bah, sorry for misinterpreting your situation. Been kept awake most of the night by my kid, so brain be kind uh sluggish... Ugh. Grunt.
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    @Lasse Nope, you will absolutely not be the first engineer to graduate without being able to code. We can thank the scam that is higher education for that.
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    I also think you don't necessarily have to "work on a problem".
    If you split it in 3 o 4 different tasks, you can switch from one to other relatively quickly and relatively without forgetting where you left it.
    I find some problems quite boring and other very interesting.
    If I need to work a lot of time on boring matters, I try to mix them with the ones I really like, so I never got really bored nor I completely abandon what must be done
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    What keeps me going in those cases is putting on very energetic music and just keep trying and trying. Because God forbid those bugs are going to win!!
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