
My face when a developer suggests to use Windows server instead of Linux for speed and security reasons

  • 23
    Yeah speed
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    They can go fuck themselves... Like seriously... They... Can ... Go ... Fuck... Themselves ...
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    @wsloth thanks for that.
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    Spoken like a true dev.
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    @wsloth I agree with you on the fact that windows has things Linux doesn't, simply true. Don't agree with the part of not being able to run an enterprise grade app with a simple command like that because I now someone who does that regularly in front of my eyes. As for me, I mostly write back end systems which aren't the smallest ones but yes, tbh I do do those tiny projects for personal use sometimes :P

    Thanks for this discussion!
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    After two years got client to chang to Linux.
    Only took getting hacked ten times.
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    Windows Server 2008 and up are pretty well locked down, most of the time I do a pentest it's a users mistake of running vulnerable software that gives me an entry point. I see the same thing on Linux boxes. OS security alone is no match for user error.
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    @wsloth umm... Doesn't World's most and biggest servers run Linux?
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    @tahnik plenty of huge companies use windows. Nowadays you can run it in docker containers, and Microsoft has a plethora of solutions for a microservices architecture.
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    @tahnik windows server plays a huge role in the market:


    Plenty of big sites (anything microsoft) as well as your friends at Stackoverflow use a windows stack. The main reason people opt not to choose it is because of licensing costs.
  • 1
    @wsloth Fair enough! The main reason the company where i work doesn't like Windows is that it's closed source, hence you can't know if it contains any kind of backdoor (next to that, I honestly don't feel that secure knowing some of my private data is stored on closed source systems but that's just my paranoia).
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    @linuxxx fair argument. I mainly prefer Linux hosting because it's easier and I like bash more, but I don't dislike working with windows at all. It just annoys me that most scriptkiddies follow the group and hate on anything Microsoft, even though they have some high quality products and are actually doing many cool projects this year
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    @wsloth .Net Core now runs natively on Linux. You should check that out. My work used that on Ubuntu, the code was written in a way where it can horizontally scale out (relativelu to load/traffic) in aws. It's awesome!
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    @wsloth I see what you're saying. But, one major drawback of Windows servers which is still beyond my comprehension is why you have to restart a Windows server for almost every single update. It's just counter productive.
    That, and the fact that I can't start specific software as a service easily pisses me off.
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    I prefer Linux for hosting small/personal projects, as services like digital ocean are cheaper than anything else out there, but I do understand why Windows server is used. I work with iis a bit at work and there are products and services that we couldn't use without it.
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    Windows as a 'superior enterprise platform' is a joke, and the few things you could only do there are getting ported by Microsoft itself.
    The only cool thing MS has is the SQL server, which still does not have an equal in open-source stack (really hoping they add master-master replication to Postreg 10). And that is being ported too.
    Yes you can do some Percona cluster but no, it is not comparable.
    Apart from that? I can not remember anything else. You even have tools that work with Windows stack seamlessly. While it is pretty bad the other way around.
    For me MS is way too big of an investment in both time and money and in most cases it can get done faster and for free in Linux.
    With enough thrust even pigs can fly, but it is never a good idea, specially when they fly over your head.
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    2. There are much better documented projects than MSDN. I tore some of my hair searching for very specific things there.

    3. That sounded so aggresively, it makes me doubt your point #1.
    Please tell me what is Windows and .NET about. Because I know it as a software platform designed to work mostly within its own habitat.
    "Stability and latest updates" are priviledges you get for buying a license EVERYWHERE.
    And do you know which OS is used in most cases when stability is of utmost importance?

    4. Why do you think that VS is the best IDE? Because the plaftorm is so convoluted that you need to import multiple libraries that can screw with your root namespace?

    Main issue with MS related devs is that they have a hammer and everything seems like a nail to them.
  • 2
    When I see that picture...
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    @wsloth lol that was funny,
    Whatever helps to sleep better at night
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    @wsloth stable my ass
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    @metaory A very nice argument you have there.
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    @wsloth some jokes are too stupid to even bother arguing,
    Yes windows is more stable, more secure and faster than linux!!!
    And VS is most intelligent IDE ever,
    And Best platform to code on is .NET

    I go kill myself now,
  • 1
    @wsloth I never read your comment wish I did.

    You know something funny.

    Microsoft, they use Linux servers.

    Hmm... The people that created the software ... Use the competitors ... That's weird.

    I'm sorry but you give me any windows server and a week I can hack it.

    (Same with most Linux to be fair)

    Windows sucks for servers it just does I dunno why everyone says it's more stable and faster... They aren't especially if you know what your doing.

    If my server goes down (super rare once this year) its back up.. 5 minutes

    Windows? 2 hours work at least
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    @FitzSuperUser How do you know they use Linux servers?
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    @Wallpaper when you receive data from the server just need to look at the headers

    Most windows servers are pretty obvious, they say so in headers ... If it's Apache it's nearly always Linux . You can technically install Apache on windows.

    All you get is an educated guess generally you can't go 100% unless you see errors or 404 that say so
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    @wsloth Even though I'm not a scriptkiddie anymore happily I now Microsoft has some real great projects. Also sorry for my very late reaction, your first comment (although I'm a programmer with some good server experience and I'm deffo not a noob) seemed a little hostile so I was (very honestly) a little scared to check back here 😊. The case was that we just had some security and speed issues for the ***the time with windows and then a very much windows fanboy dev suggested windows yet again for a new server. Even our windows server guy looked at him like that haha.
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    Sorry for the late reaction peoples, expected a lot of hate for some reason and that's one thing I can't fucking deal with while I'm already stressed at the moment!
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    @FitzSuperUser Headers can be changed, though. Security through obscurity
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    @tahnik most and big doesnt mean best... Same for vhs vs betamax, bluray vs hddvd, windows vs osx vs linux, windows vs android vs ios, ps vs xbox vs nintendo.......
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