
- Sir, you must put away your laptop before the flight takes off.
- Is a tablet okay?
- Yes
- *Uncouples keyboard from Surface*
- ಠ_ಠ
- (⌐■_■)

  • 3
    Hi Freddy Vega (? 😂
  • 59
    Shows how BS airline security is.
  • 10
    I think it's because you're not supposed to have your tray thing out?
  • 20
    @TktStatusPICNIC you've heard of books, right?
  • 1
    You guys know why this is an policy?
  • 5
    @jerjer the risk of exploding batteries would justify banning electronics, the risk of interference justifies banning devices with radio (and they can refuse to accept flight mode for ease of managing the policy)
  • 8
    Technically there is nearly no risk of using electronic devices when plane is taking off or landing. The only problem with that is, just like they used to do in busses, they are afraid of all 500 phones ringing at the same time. I know lots of pilots and co-pilots who play Candy Crush when the other one is taking off...
  • 0
    If I could give you more that 1 ++ I really would
  • 1
    @azuredivay I don't really agree with the rules, but those are the reasons I've seen given.
  • 0
    Did the flight attendant exploted after?
  • 5
    @TktStatusPICNIC AFAIK the only reason to it is that when your phone can't find cell network it raises its radio output and that can sometimes interfere with radio so pilots or ground control can't hear or mishear each other. It does the same as when someone calls you on phone and speakers starts tapping.
  • 1
    @Floriusin this is the only valid reason
  • 0
    @azuredivay same with air china. The moment they see you on phone anytime during the flight(not just take off or landing) they'll come and ask you to put it away like a school teacher. Like wtf man, I can't even listen music
  • 0
    Totally off topic, but do you like the surface?
  • 0
    Thug life. 😎
  • 0
  • 0
    Don't try that with United...
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