This is gonna be close...

  • 16
    Turn on energy saver?
  • 25
    Reduce brightness
  • 3
    I see what u did there
  • 6
    Ya I get less than 3 hours on my laptop as well... -_-
  • 8
    @Koolstr switch to a mac and literally enjoy 9 hours of battery. (5 hours if you're doing resource intensive work) 😁
  • 4
    @Koolstr in addition, if you boot windows on mac hardware, I assume you will get an equally awesome battery life
  • 15
    @uziiuzair Actually you're wrong. If you boot windows from a Mac it is forced to use the dedicated graphics, rather than use the intel graphics that is built into the CPU, therefore drawing much more power.

    Also there are plenty of Windows laptops with excellent batter life, the XPS range spring to mind ☺
  • 3
    @MaccaMc well I never actually booted windows on anything other than the iMac which is why I wasn't sure about the battery life.

    Thanks for the info though 😁
  • 6
    So? What happened next?
  • 7
    @W1ckeD the network connection slowed down and it didnt make it😭
  • 4
    @nwestfall turn screen off and pray?
  • 14
    It's like watching a race between two inconsistent turtles.
  • 5
    imagine if there was a tv drama based on hacking and this was the tension point. would totally watch
  • 8
    @zaftco TV Drama based on hacking you say... Madness...
  • 2
  • 2
    @uziiuzair yeah. And 11 on the next charge and 2 on the one after that one.
  • 2
    @dsteiner 2 is an exaggeration, try 10
  • 3
    @uziiuzair yep it was. But I am not far off. http://consumerreports.org/laptops/...
    " the 13-inch model with the Touch Bar ran for 16 hours in the first trial, 12.75 hours in the second, and just 3.75 hours in the third. The 13-inch model without the Touch Bar worked for 19.5 hours in one trial but only 4.5 hours in the next. And the numbers for the 15-inch laptop ranged from 18.5 down to 8 hours. "
  • 3
    @dsteiner I'm not familiar with the battery life of the latest MacBook. However, I have two MacBook in front of me. A 13in Air (early 2014) and a 13in Pro (early 2016)

    I've had the pro for about 6 months and never once has it given me any problems. I get a solid 7-10 hours of battery life on every charge.

    As for the Air, I have received anywhere between 9 to 12 hours on every charge. Never once have they given me any problems.

    It's possible that the latest MacBook might have a battery problem, I have personally not done any tests on them.
  • 2
    @uziiuzair absolutely the old one are great. But the new ones have some strange bug. It is suspected that Safari drains the battery
  • 0
    @nwestfall did you make it?
  • 0
  • 1
    When 5 minutes left, run the mission impossible soundtrack with another device and watch the most intense 5minutes of your life.
  • 3
    You should turn off the screen.
    When the battery empties and the screen is off, according to Schroedinger, the file transfer will be both completed and not completed until you check the result.
  • 1
    You know Windows lying, your copy gonna make 2 hours and the battery 30 minutes ahah
  • 1
    I'd base my action on your estimate, indeed!
  • 0
    @andersoyvind Nice choice !
  • 2
    @uziiuzair not with the new one :) (srsly tho, fuck apple, get an xps, 1000x better)
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