
Fucking printers are made by satan himself.
My printer apparently needs cyan, yellow and magenta for printing grayscale.
So suddenly my colours are empty
Bullshit but whatever, I used ducktape to tape of the little glas place where it checks inkt levels.
My printer thinks they are full and prints again. Booyah.

About 200 pages further it says they are empty again.
The satan spawn that made my printer must have made the cartridges with a chip that has a maximum of pages. So even if the cartridge is FULL, the chip says its empty and so the printer thinks that as well

If i find the demon spawn that programmed the printers, I will make you program in brainfuck or whitespace for the rest of your life!!!!!!

  • 34
    "printer apparently needs cyan, yellow and magenta for printing grayscale"

    Satan confirmed
  • 9
    Brainfuck? Whitespace? I think you are the Satan here!
  • 16
    Don't hate the programmer, instead hate the management/marketing people that demanded the poor developer sod to implement such brain damaged mechanisms or lose the job.
  • 6
    How the fuck do you program in white space?
  • 4
    @DeveloperACE tabs/spaces. Some kind of binary? code.
  • 3
  • 0
    You can imagine the PM:

    Look, I know you say it makes no sense to you, but it's a 10% uplift so either you do it or we find someone who will.
  • 0
    After reading the first paragraph, I thought that for sure I would see another dev right months from now raging that his coloured prints come out in greyscale even though it clearly says the coloured ink is full!
  • 0
    So, there are ways to modify your printing color profiles so that it no longer uses Cmy to print grayscale.
    Never understood the logic, other than it must be a marketing thing to force users to run out of ink faster.
    When I was primarily graphic design I developed new color profiles that would do this, and the results were great.
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