
In the open space, EVERYONE can hear you scream.

  • 0
    Literally lol'd... thanks! ++
  • 1
    Also everyone hears your incoherent mumbling to yourself... Learned it the hard way.
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  • 2
    Back when I actually went to an office to work (years ago), it was an open space design. I don't do well in open space environments.. or being in the office.. because I'm noisy as fuck. I also hate being confined to a desk for long hours... so I wander. I'm also a cranky troll at work... so I annoy people... especially if you are a younger person... they are easier to troll...

    Oh and I yell and cuss alot...

    And I have no filter..

    And I have no problem telling you how I feel about you...

    This is why I now am banned from working at the office.
  • 0
    @fyroc nice one, lol
  • 0
    And everyone can hear the organisation that shares the other half of the office carrying on the meeting after the meeting. Dude, you're too loud. I've been in quieter bars on a Friday night.
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