
So I'm on stack overflow trying to give back to the community that has helped me so much yanno.

So I see a question and decide to answer it but I'm on my mobile and trying to write a well formatted etc. answer is a bit tricky so instead I thought I would answer it as best I could on the phone so at least the OP would be going in the right direction and then when I got back to my computer, I would expand on the answer.

But before I had a chance (within 10 minutes of answering) some 200k+ rep dickhead decided it was his job to tell me how bad I was for not giving a proper answer and i have enough rep to comment and I should know better.

So I responded to him (my first mistake) and told him that my answer was intended to get him going and most likely he wouldn't need any more help but that I was going to update it when I got back to my computer.

Well he didn't like that and continued to berate me for my unbelievable behavior.

I then said that if he was that upset, then report me, or even better how about he actually answer the question instead of being a fuckwit to others that have tried.

I also said that I thought that SO and development in general was not about being given the answer but by finding it yourself and actually learning something and that sometimes you need to be pushed it the right direction to find the answer which is what I did here.

Well he disagreed with that too and downvoted my answer which by that point had been updated (like I said I would).

I just don't get it, what is wrong with these people and why has SO become such a toxic place?

I want to give back to the community and help others like people have done for me over the years, but then fuckheads like this just ruin it and make you not want to be a part of it anymore.

Then I come here to devRant and everyone is so nice to each other, you can see the respect.

  • 13
    SO really needs you . Please continue helping and never stop . It really help others and don't stop because of a person there are millions who needs help. think about them
  • 4
    @BassClefBuddha @Amitkumar yes, you're both right. I will endeavor to get back on it and keep contributing. Cheers
  • 6
    I hate participating on Stack Overflow more than a great number of unpleasant things. I would rather have my appendix removed with rusted tools by a geriatric chimpanzee on meth than ask a question on that douchebag soapbox. I doubt I will ever considder attempting to answer one.

    Good on you for trying though.
  • 3
    SO reviewers are the new grumpy librarians.
  • 4
    I believe an answer is better than no answer at all. Keep doing you! Don't let that one person get to you :)
  • 2
    Mind posting the link? Want to keep tabs on this and start a meta topic if I see this more on SO, I love SO and would have spent countless hours, sometimes unnecessarily, getting frustrated if something like it didn't exist and I would like to see it stay a civil and good hearted community.
  • 2
    There is probably a way to report this to so. They do care about the community
  • 3
    @Charmgoggles I actally spilt my beverage laughing! In all seriousness I really hope deep inside you are right although I shan't be holding my breath on their 'caring'.
  • 1
    I see now that my sentence could be understood in multiple ways. I meant that the real employees of stack overflow care. Bit the overzealous mods , some of those are probably only on so because they can't me hired due to their anti social behaviors
  • 1
    I actually did end up reporting it and they just removed all the comments.
    I find its just one of those things though yanno, in an environment like that, some types of people use it as a way to take out their frustrations and the disappointment their sad life gives them.
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