I know, a rant about Mac vs Windows is nor fun nor original anymore.

But really, I restarted more times my Windows PC in one morning than my Mac in one year.

What should I do, while waiting for the n-th restart?

Re-fuck you.

  • 2
    Install Karabiner and get those "special snowflake" Mac shortcut keys to behave like everything else on the planet? 😉
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    I'm willing to configure your PC for a one time fee.
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    I can vouch for that. The macbook i use for work has been the most stable dev machine I have ever used. The closed apple ecosystem has its own benefits.
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    This is kinda dumb and opposite of reality. I install updates on my Mac and iPad almost daily. When I attempt to use big sur I feel like I'm using an os from the 90s.

    Mac Os feels like abandonware to me.

    Don't get me started 1/2 the time I'm entering the same password over and over again or dealing with face id on ipad which is shitty....and so fucking obtrusive.

    Why do Apple devices need me to authenticate some shit every 10 minutes.

    I'm here, same wifi, same location, same bluetooth devices connected same ssid.....why do these pieces of shit continue to ask for a login?
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    @dontbeevil I'll love to give you ++ for a solid mac rant, there are plenty of opportunity. Here the rant is in general about being continuously wasting effort in solving shitty problems. Mac, Linux, Windows whatever, there is always some fucking little stone in your shoe that make difficult your primary goal: walking
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    @dontbeevil When will people realize Apple is mainly a marketing company with very little substance.

    Their software is garbage on every platform.

    I do think the M1 is cool and I do love my iPad Pro for media consumption and drawing snails with the Apple Pencil.
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    Have you tried changing the settings you don't like?
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    @dontbeevil ahaha I see...I also hate brew. I also hate the "install later" message popping up every fucking day. Let's say I use equally Windows, Mac and Linux. I hate equally all of them for different reasons...
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    @willcandy Well, you certainly don't want to be using Linux on desktop. That's for fucking masochists. Ew.
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    That's weird, I never really had to reboot since Vista except between installing and using certain programs.
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    @homo-lorens Yes, that's reality.

    Unless you have hardware issues.
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    well max only needs to run on apple specific hardware :/ windows needs to adjust. Anywho whatever linux is doing is mad good.
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