Fuck you Windows 10 and your fucking mandatory updates that fuckes up every fucking time! Fuck you and your fucking inability to update beyond 71 fucking percent! This is the last fucking time you waste my time, your fucking out! Fuck you!!!

  • 7
    10 for rant
    0 for inability to organise OS
  • 2
    Another Windows 10 update rant.

    How... Original.

    Signed, the guy who spent 8 hours reinstalling Windows 10 today for the same reason. But it was all worth it.
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    It wasn't my intention to be original @drRoss ,it was purely to get the anger out before I would dropkick the fucking laptop to the stone age.

    I will use my time to wipe the shit out and install Ubuntu instead, always had Windows but I'm sick of these crap updates.
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    70% is the moment it starts to deal with the drivers, so if you have an issue with this try to update with an ISO or try to troubleshoot which device could prevent Windows from updating.

    I also have a lot of issues with Windows Updates, but I try to never forget that there are millions of different hardware combinations and that it's impossible to test them all before releasing an OS/update ☺️
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    It's simple just make your internet connection a 'metered connection' in settings .. or use Arch Linux :p
  • 1
    Why do I never have the same problems?
  • 2
    @filthyranter because you update regularly and don't out them off till it forces you
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    @iam13islucky No, because it automatically does it at night because I know how to fucking set it to do that. Active hours man
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    I'm gonna create a new account and reply to all these windows 10 update rants,

    it's your bloody computer change settings to however you like and stop complaining just cause you're too lazy to tweak it
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    Trust me, I have set it up for how to handle updates but sometimes the options you get are quite limited. My updates normally run during the night and that's just super except when it fuckes up and I wake up to a computer that I can have a barbeque on.

    Think this was like the fifth time and we're not talking about the same update.

    Please don't be offended if you think Windows 10 is awesome, I like it also but sometimes you just need to fucking snap and let it all out.
  • 3
    I was just struggling with the fucking fuck windows updates problem, after that I just type in Google fuck you Win 10 to your sickness form win 10 appear to me, I just wanna say again fucccck you win 10 fuck you !! I'm leaving to Apple
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    @Leodsds leaving windows... To go to Apple.... Step backwards my friend
  • 2
    Fuck windows 10. I use windows 7. Hackers? well just set up your fucking firewall good enought.
    Use a Ubuntu server for keeping files stored on (Important) and use encryption on your end. Change password frequently. Use a firewall server.
    Avoid windows 10 shit!!! they fuck you up more than a ransomware. (as you will probably be able to recover ransomwared files if you use a offline or ubuntu server that cant be infected because it recieves useful updates)

    alternativly you use ubuntu and wine to run gta5 and windows demaded software haha
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    To your point, I just wanted to say, fucking fuckyitty fucky fucky fucky fuck bullshit windows 10... I'll just turn my laptop on to watch Netflix... oh no I won't... because fuckign windows fucking 10 fucking has fucking big shitty long slow ass fucking updates for me... fuck you windows 10 fuck you
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    I made this account specifically to say fuck you Microsoft, I paid a thousand dollars for this machine and now you try to dictate what I can and can't do, you're almost as bad as Apple. My computer should only update if I specifically click a button to have it updated. Instead you surprise update in the middle of the night when I can't stop it. Not like I could anyways, I remember multiple times in the past when my computer randomly decided to update while I was in the middle of a game or something and you can't do anything once it starts. I realize updates are important but I don't think you should be allowed to make that decision for me. At least with Windows I can get into the registry to fix Microsoft's fuckerry, still peeves me that I still have to do that though.
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    For those advocates of Microsoft who worship at the feet of software engineers/coders who don't give a shit about you, and feel the need to denigrate anyone who deigns to criticize them:

    1. I get it, you should keep your machine updated with Microsoft's latest shitty software.

    2. Yes, there are setting that allow you to sort of control how this is done.

    3. Fuck you, this is MY computer, not Microsoft's--I paid for it and I should be the one who decides EVERYTHING that happens to MY computer--COMPLETELY ON MY TERMS. PERIOD.

    4. I'm sorry Microsoft writes shitty software and has to continually update it with useless shit and fixes they weren't smart enough to figure out before they launched their crap...but holding my computer hostage while they automatically load their garbage on my machine, rendering it a boat anchor until their garbage loads, is just bad business.

    5. When I want my machine to work, I want it to work on my terms, not Microsoft's.
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    Fuck automatic Windows 10 updates. I registered just to write this
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    it's not about when the updates happen, or junk like that. its the fact that every single time they f with the way i have my stuff setup. if i dont already have a search bar on the task bar.... why the f would they think i want one? if i spent a couple hours learning how to get rid of edge, why do they reinstall it every other week.

    we dont mind useful updates, just stop using them to force your garbage down our throats
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