
Integer range is 2,147,483,647. Facebook has 2.96B users. Facebook is the only company that graduated from int to unsigned int, which is 4,294,967,295.

And you're using bigint as an id for the “users” table. I just laugh.

  • 1

    GUID all the way.
  • 0
    Hahaha caught in the act
  • 0
    @tosensei can you pls elaborate on why it is better than uuid-version-whatever
  • 0
    @kiki it's just a different name for the same thing
  • 2
    GUID = Microsoft’s UUID

    For the rest of the world, it’s UUID
  • 0
    How about posts. They prob have uuids with letters
  • 1
    @tosensei @Lensflare ah, I didn’t know. Thanks 🐸
  • 6
    Facebook can't use unsigned int, it can't represent negative numbers. And they have negative users in the "metaverse"
  • 1
    @Lensflare technically correct would be UUID V4, though GUID has changed the definition a bit... So it's not a fully compliant UUID v4.

    @kiki don't let them fool you.

    UUID / GUIDs are a problem in itself regarding storage and partitioning.

    Integers make this far easier.

    You want partitioning in that kind of range for sure.
  • 0
    What about the time that we colonise the galaxy mod everyone is using Facebook shit? Betcha they’d be needing more.

    Best bet is a GUID on a noSQL DB I guess.
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    i would call it "future-proofing"

    people who were the cause for Y2K are not laughing, i would expect/assume.
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