
Web3 truly is a fucked up space. All of the fuckertry happening over here is out of control. Literally a dystopian shithole of scams frauds crimes theft and ponzi schemes.... As much as i try to defend web3 since im a web3 dev it's getting real fuckin hard. The more i work in this space the more i understand economics and how all of this shitshow flows.

Without diving into details, I'll tell you right now from a very deep economic perspective: i realized that all of these cryptos are just.. shams, quasi buzz words to keep the "investors" giving them money. Essentially like wolf of wallstreet scams mixed with bernard madoff multi billion dollar ponzi schemes. The "investors" earn a lot of money.... But on paper! As unrealized gains. And by the time they are able to withdraw their money, that money becomes worthless because of insufficient liquidity in the pool that has been drained from top to bottom of the pyramid. So the only person truly getting filty rich is the one on top of this pyramid - the founders!

After the FTX disaster that happened 2 days ago the prices of ALL coins dropped drastically and it isnt stopping. So much for your glorified "decentralization" 😹😹😹😹😹

How can something be decentralized if its enough for 1 influential man to tweet some shit and the company/token price value drops or increases within minutes? In this case the whole of crypto got sliced by 1 influential man... Again. It's only a matter of time until someone else goes bankrupt and cycle repeats... Again.

  • 8
    But hey, it pays the bills! (Working on web 3 too)

    So long as it still pays in cold hard fiat money in my bank account and not a crypto wallet, I'm fine with it. 😂
  • 6
    You don't really have to defend the thing you are working for.

    Like, I would not defend the shithole of a system I'm working with and on, and I will probably prefer not to have that system in my car as well.
  • 6
    Don't you get depression when you realize you work for the bad guys? Aren't there other jobs for devs?
  • 6
    @horus i do. But i get more depression working for the good guys by getting underpaid, basically working like a slave for miserable salary. And since i have to pay my bills but know my worth based on my knowledge and skills, i get depressed either way so I'd rather work for the bad guys for more money than for the good guys for less money
  • 7
    I'm pretty sure we (the devs) have been saying this since the start. Web 3 wasn't even a word when most of us called it all a scam and crypto was only good for so long before people started "investing" in it, which is the dumbest thing I ever heard... Yeah go invest in Yen retard, that makes sense. It was a bubble that started inflating on it's own and then when enough scammers caught wind of it they started inflating it artificially.

    next best time to buy crypto is when it hits a 0 and starts re-stabilizing as people *maybe* start using it normally and not as a hedge fund
  • 2
    @horus here's an easy way to tell if you work for the bad guys.

    Are you employed? If you answered yes, you're working for capitalism, and that means the bad guys.
  • 2
    @sariel Okay. But there are shades of bad, aren't there? Maybs every job is part of the system by it's very definition but it's some difference between working for a foundation, or the state, or a company or a scam, i'd say.
  • 2
    @Hazarth I'd say, when people finally ditch the initial idea of a cryptocurrency and make a conceptually new system.

    Currently every cryptocurrency is just "a Bitcoin with a twist"
  • 3
    Crypto has been a scam from the very beginning, I'm amazed that people ever thought it would work out. I understand disliking the horrible thing that is modern economics, and the absurd amount of economic inequality, preferential treatment of the rich, and absolute poverty and abuse that developing countries suffer in this model. But crypto is just a shittier version of it all.
  • 5
    Yeah the only thing web3 seems to actually by useful at is getting naive people to enthusiastically give you their money
  • 0
    @sariel if you agree to write an impartial agent to distribute goods and labor efficiently and fairly, I'll agree that property ownership is bad.
    No, seriously. Why isnt anyone writing AI to judge, enforce, and make policy and leadership decisions?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack because there's no correct set of rules to base it on?
  • 0
    @iiii are you sure?
  • 0
    @Wisecrack yes. Just like thrr is no universal set if laws that would satisfy everyone
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