I'm a "published" freelance dev!

Last night I made my first web application available to the internet. It's an internal enterprise management system for a small non-profit.

It's running on a single $6 a month digitalocean droplet, and the domain is $12 a year, so yearly cost for them is absolutely rock bottom.

It's written in asp.net 6.0 razor pages, nginx reverse proxy, certbot for HTTPS certificates, fail2ban for ssh protection (ssh login is via ssl keys), entity framework with MySQL.

The site itself has automatic IP banning based on a few parameters like login spam, uses JWT tokens, and is fully secured.

All together, it's a lot of value for about $100 a year.

  • 1
    Nice !

  • 1
    How about backups and failover?
  • 6
    @hitko digitalocean has backups for 20% the cost of the droplet, so we're using that.

    Additionally, as both a feature and a backup alternative, you're able to generate paper printouts of all data on the site (kind of like a manual of sorts). These guys are old fashioned and appreciate being able to read a book of all their info

    There's no failover, but there's also no need for failover because there's no enterprise-critical processes on the site. Adding LB (this site is designed for horizontal scaling friendliness) would just double the cost. If the site goes down they can just wait for me to bring it back up
  • 2
    Congratulations, my guy.
  • 3
    Link or didn't happen
  • 0
    Why would anyone login trough ssh? What can the user do?
  • 2
    @retoor if you're suggesting "sealing" the server by turning off sshd once you're done with setup, which I'd seen a few times, I don't think it's a wise idea for something like this. Sshd is not the biggest liability but it's a huge asset in quickly responding to both attacks and breakage.
  • 1
    @retoor I log in through ssh haha
  • 0
    @mansur85 I've considered making it public (it would be fine to release) but that's my code!
  • 0
    That's good dude! What's it do?
  • 0
  • 1
    @JS-Guy without getting into too much detail, it gets them off the shared excel files on their onedrive
  • 2
    don't forget to disable password logins for ssh
  • 0
    What are ssl keys?
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