
Got out of bed, went to toilet to take a piss and as i was finishing pissing my eyesight got blurry, i felt dizzy, losing energy and then i just woke up laying on the floor without remembering anything what happened. I fucking passed out. My head hurts cause i hit it on something during fall. Fuck off. I have enough problems already and the least problem i need is a health problem now

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    @bigmonsterlover i swear bro as i was waking up from the floor, disoriented and not knowing where am i for a few seconds, as if i was just born, i thought to myself "what is this? Am i dead?" Took me a good few seconds to realize im not dead and thought to myself "fuck im not dead, the suffering continues". Then i had to rush to lay down on my bed to take some rest half conscious while hearing random buzzing and ringing in my ears
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    Did you drink tea twice since the sixth grade?
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    Was your penis out when you woke up? Pants around ankles?
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    @sugarcube those are the real questions
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    Fun times. Classic low blood pressure and/or suger. Also called a blackout, also "brain reboot".

    Did you get up from a chair or bed just before? didn't take a couple of seconds? did not eat something in the last few hours?

    Go talk to the doctor, eat better, Do some light workouts, like walking for 10 minutes.
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    @sugarcube Yes i woke up and the first thing i saw was my penis
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    @magicMirror i got out of my bed instantly. I think as i was laying on bed sleeping there wasnt enough blood flowing through my brain, so when i stood up there was not enough blood in brain which caused the blackout. I ate nutella pancakes the night before (sugar)
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    Low blood pressure then. do it more slowly, or sit down before doing it.

    And just nutella pancakes? Sounds tasty.
    Try to eat something fat based with it. Soft Cheese, Butter, and if possible add some protean - egg, or cold cuts. Some hummus, cream cheese are best.

    Just suger will spike your blood suger high for an hour or so, then it will go back down. after 3 hours its completly gone. When you add fat/proteans with the suger - you get a gradual increase instead of spike, and will not cause a low stress.

    PS Talk to your doc! don't take medical advice from random internet weirdos like @magicMirror!
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    @Nanos I have no idea. Those are nice chatGPT questions
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    @Nanos nah im normal 95kg @ 183cm height. But wouldnt hurt to lose some weight. Doctor said im fine but she sent me to neurologist to get me checked. Obviously cause my mental state is fried so could be it. Tomorrow im getting my blood examined
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    @Nanos i passed out in bathroom not in bedroom. I was pissing and passed out
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