
I don't get it. Bethesda managed to make the best temporal antialiasing solution to ever grace this planet with TSSAA in Doom 2016 and then manage to fuck it up by removing it in favor of forced TAA in Doom Eternal which looks like complete dogshit


The graphics were /literally/ the reason I bought the damn game. I just finished Doom 2016 and it was so inspirational for my own game engine, giving me motivation by seen what I can achieve. Doom Eternal is fucking depressing from a technical standpoint

Well at least I know now that my own AA solution is viable and that I can do better than a AAA studio :emotionless-shrug-guy:

  • 4
    Just Bethesda things
  • 3
    I love temporal AA! Too few games have this.

    What also annoys me with most AA techniques is that it somehow only works on the edges between distinct models/objects.
    So, a character model that has his arm in between his body and the camera, won’t have AA on the edges between the body and the arm. So annoying!
    Do you know what’s going on there?
  • 0
    @Lensflare I've never seen that to be honest!

    Temportal techniques are great in theory (literally free information!) but TAA is hard to get right. Either it's extremely blurry like in Doom Eternal, there's ghosting or there are weird artifacts like you describe
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yeah i'd rather prefer no TAA than ghosting.
  • 1
    Is AA still a thing? I thought nowadays you just downsample and be done with it
  • 2
    @SuspiciousBug that’s what some of the AA techniques do. SSAA, I think.
  • 2
    @SuspiciousBug @Lensflare Yes, naive downsampling is your traditional SSAA. But that's insanely costly so nowadays games are actually going the other way by basically not doing any anti aliasing during rendering at all* and then trying to fudge it after wards using post processing AA techniques and TAA

    (*I'm actually working on a new technique called visibility rendering which allows very efficient MSAA which is pretty exiting)
  • 1
    calm down @cherno
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