
i'm new to coding, and today my boss (i'm a scholar btw, not getting paid shit), asked me to review his VB net app... it was a total mess that i wish i could show, but intellectual property exists...xD

is it just the language or should i quit? i want to do it already.

  • 8
    not to disappoint u or discourage u but one can make spaghetti out of any lang...u see, it's just the easy recipe ;]
  • 5
    It might be the language, but realistically, every project eventually gets messier because the requirements change over time; no matter how good the original design was, new requirements can't always fit in nicely. All major software out there got at least one significant rewrite after the first couple of years because that's how long it takes to gather real-world feedback and determine what part of the codebase belongs to the core and what kind of modularity / extensibility patterns should be used for other features so they can be efficiently added or removed.
  • 0
    @UnicornPoo i've tried C#, bash, java and python...i stuck with python eventually because i do little scripts here and there related to networking and ethical hacking. i know the fundamentals, at this point i think this is all my boss' fault lol
  • 0
    @bigmonsterlover thanks ! :D
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