
Our lord and savior Rust be praised!

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    They wanted to make it a part of the kernel right? I hope not
  • 6
    @retoor Rust is fine. I just find the whole it fixes everything take is really funny.
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    reference in case it gets lost over time:

  • 4
    @retoor it is part of the but kernel and will become more relevant the next years.

    Currently very infant.

    Though rust isn't a silver bullet.

    Packaging in Linux Distributions is a pain.... Tools like Rust with it's Crate package manager are a nightmare for packaging - simply because it is a huge burden and cannot be used in e.g. packaging formats like APT / RPM / ...

    By default Rust compiled to static libraries. Which is great for devs, but a pain in the butt for packaging....
    Static building in packaging means that one library - be it a transitive dependency or direct dependency - causes a full rebuild for all packages dependent on it...

    Shared libraries are possible with rust, but core problem of "how to package that without making it a pain in the butt", applies too.

    After all, crate allows for micro packages... Rusts stdlib is growing, yes - but most packages still have a plethora of libraries, so packaging each library dependency is a lot of work to do for an already understaffed and resource starved distribution. (Doesn't matter which one - all distributions lack man power).

    So while Rust might be great for devs, it's still a PITA for most distributions.

    Even IF the kernel grows it's rust usage... It will be interesting to see how they handle packaging.

    Kernel has a long history of supporting ancient compiler versions.... It will be hard doing the same with Rust, as it's still evolving. Especially Rust stdlib grows continually.
  • 3
    @retoor they already did.
    But i think there was something about creating a costom rust dialect or something, that works better for kernel development, if i remember correctly. I think they called it rustc or something.
  • 2
    Yep it already is and that is a good thing!!!
    I do hate the whole hype driven stuff. It used to be the same with Go (now I actually get quite some hate and stupid Rust suggestions). I hate the "it is written in Go (now Rust) so it must be good" argumentation, and I'm hired to write in Go. People should care about the actual software not what is used to build it.

    A good example of this bs is https://reddit.com/r/archlinux/...
    Yay was a big improvement over Yaourt because it was indeed faster by a good margin and didn't require dependencies in part because of how Go builds things. But it's exactly that what people should care about. If the same thing was done in C it would have the same effect. People would still flock to the new less proven Rust implementation.
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