
Is there nobody anymore who likes to work from office? I love it

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    too long away from such and I frankly don't miss the exp. nor I plan to check it again... unless I relocate, the office is super cool and there r a lot of hot/cool chicks there...then I can think about it ;}
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    well, sometimes. and depends on the office.

    we have two - one that's 20 minutes away by bicycle, but it gets kinda stuffy pretty quick, especially in summer. the other is very roomy and very nice, but takes 60-90minutes by car, which sucks.

    sometimes i like the company, sometimes not, sometimes i just visit the office just to ride my cycle... and it's really great to have the options.
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    @tosensei cycling to work is best there is. I should not drive car longer than 60 minutes. I did 3h per day previous year on the busiest highway. It broke me
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    @retoor definitely. before covid, i had to drive there twice a week. i hated so much time being wasted.

    but now, it's only when needed, and it counts as work time, which makes it much more bearable.
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    I would like it if I didn’t have to waste 1 hour per day in traffic.
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    Same. I prefer going to the office to work. But the commute is discouraging
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    Personnally, I am much more productive at home, though sometime small talk with collegues is nice but if I had the choice, I would be fully remote.
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    @Squarety fully remote is the way. if u have something to discuss there r plenty of options to do so in audio, video remote share screen while both parties be nude at the same time w/o problem. what not to love. u not only skip the commuting, but also eat whatever u fancy w/o beeng jusged all the time. u have private wc...I can continue, but u get the point and I bealive u already considered that and all benefits ;]

    there r few downsides too, but if u r well organized and can spare a room for home office it all come in place =]
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    @We3D The problem where I work is, some tasks need me to be there to complete them. I dream to be able one day to work while traveling at the same time. I am happier when I am remote. But I cannot do it fully, unfortunately..
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    There are people who enjoy being naked in front of random strangers. It's ok to be different.
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    I prefer it as I get easily distracted when at home.
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    @tosensei am I the only one that fucking *loves* driving?

    Wasting gas even to go over state lines?

    Even sitting in a rush hour traffic jam?

    Did I mention I fucking love driving?

    Do i have to keep upselling this or are you gonna climb in the fucking rickshaw already?
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    @Wisecrack heh, sick. What do you drive?
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    @retoor a hyundai, nothing fancy. miss my ford though.

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    @Wisecrack mustang?
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    @Wisecrack at the moment a Fiat Punto that I bought last year for 1000,-. It's in new condition in exception of 260.000km. It was a good deal. I prefer a Saab 9-5 tho (had in better times) since I'll make a lot of km's soon
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    @We3D I wish. Ford f150.


    Not bad mileage, you starting to get oil leaks or coolant loss yet though? Saabs known for that.
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    @retoor go travel girl. I'm a hitchhiker unless/until I save for mustang '69 or a heli ;]
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    @We3D what about you?
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    @Wisecrack mmm all terrain ^^
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    @Wisecrack here cars get ditched with such mileage. In NL we're replacing cars too fast. 300.000+ kms for patrol is rare I guess
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    @Wisecrack car died on oil leak. Turbo dead
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    @We3D heli. every time.

    theres nothing like those moments in life where you just need to reflect and let it all go, that 25,000 feet of the world beneath you can't help to put into perspective.
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    @Wisecrack my only vehicle is el. bike ( which bat. takes me as far as about 100 km. w/ my help )...

    and my main means of teleportation r my feats themselves ;]
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    @We3D holy shit! your feet can teleport!?

    This is such a surprising twist I'm tempted to do that spanish thing where they put a backward upside down question mark in front of the question.
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    @Wisecrack I always wondered why they do that... and 'bout the other thing...

    ... it's a secret dance steps... but u have to be in trance ( 1 way or another )...

    then u wake up at the destination ( or other random place in one of the worlds... )

    I can show u when we meet in another plane higher than 3D =]
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    @We3D This is just gonna turn into one of the time-travellers again, trying to scam me into believing he's me, and i'm my own grandpa.

    It's not gonna work this time grandpa!

    Go back to your own time!

    There ain't no fancy robowhores with electric pussies in 2023!

    None I tells ya! NONE.
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    @Nanos I hear fred flintstone is selling his pedal car. Looks like a beut.
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    Pros of WFO:
    1. Read on the bus
    2. Catch up on sleep on the bus
    3. Deep work on the bus

    Note: I could hardly do deep work at office. Too many meetings that could be just an email. Too many people talking to interrupt your chain of thought

    Pros of WFH:
    1. There is time for gym and workout
    2. I can walk my kid to school/park everyday
    3. Deep work in afternoon when there are no meetings, kid is having her afternoon nap
    4. Read when there's no work

    Note: During covid a kid happened. And i dunno of WFO will ever be my first bet
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    @Nanos * kiss clashes into radio waves *
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