
On friday i am going to have an interview with my own boss and super boss overload witch for a position which is basically the same as my current one. My current contract ends in december, the other would go three more years. I going to tell them, I want more money or I won't sign the new one.
I am 100% okay with both options but i want some clarity ffs. I am waiting to know how it continues for almost two years now. I hope they decide soon at least.

  • 5
    I think you should avoid the threat of not signing, just specify that you want a raise and have ready some arguments for why you think you are worth it snd if they say no then you tell them your not signing on without the raise.

    That way, if they already have discussed that they might need to give you a raise you do not start any bad blood :)

    And you still get to say no if they will mot budge.

    The idea is that they would have to actively say no to a raise, not just choose between two “bad” options. (and by bad I mean more cost or loose competence)
  • 1
    @Voxera the thing is... more complicated. the law allows a raise in only two sitiuations: a better opportunity somewhere else or a new hire. Some months ago I had a better opportunity but failed on some formality so alpha witch declined the raise. She claimed she would give it happily if she only could. I am pretty sure, she can figure out that i applied for the position mostly to create another situation where to prove her word. The will be no reason to beat around the bush i guess. And whats with my boss? It was all his idea... I only have to be careful that she does not get *that*.
  • 1
    @horus strange law but if thats the case good luck.
  • 2
    @voxera applies only in public service. It this would be a private company this would be comletely different.. And thank you.
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