
Why are admins of this app dead? You're telling me i can post a porn pic and no one will do anything about it to remove it?

  • 0
    I‘m not saying that you should do it but that‘s correct.
  • 9
    They're not dead. Just not very active.

    @dfox always comes to the rescue when the systems act up...

    Which I'm thankful for. Would miss this motherfucking shithole of cunts and geniuses.
  • 2
    They moderate, but do not participate or update.
  • 2
  • 1
    Don't worry, the community will moderate
  • 2
    Back in the day someone posted their work setup with their wife's tits out on it, good times
  • 0
    A post (and a user?) got removed for doxxing very recently. There is moderation, just slow. I'm not sure porn would cross the line.
  • 0
    Try it
  • 2
    If you post it in one of those old rants that are already full of spam, chances are it will stay up for a long time.
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