
I am exhausted. Slept for 2 hours last night because of new private problems... was eating myself alive from stress. Im still highly stressed and haven't ate anything today. I cant eat because of high stress. I feel like puking if i eat. Cant even eat soup. Sitting here coding at my desk and my eyes are shutting down. My body is overwhelmed. Got so much shit to do i cant take a break. I need to mediate

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    Worried about you lately. How's your work pressure? Maybe time to drop some velocity and work a bit relaxter so you have more energy left for the private problems. Change work/life balance
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    @retoor Got use to stress it's just annoying as shit. Can't run away from it can't suppress it. The pressure was caused this time from non-work related. Internal factors. As if i needed more stress in my life right now
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