Showed my wife devRant. Now she wants a similar app for salespeople: salesRant

  • 14
    No offense to your wife, but I fucking detest salespeople. I'll make an app called dumbfuckRant for them.
  • 40
    @randomcomma as someone who works in retail as a sales assistant. That app woukd be to rant about people like you.
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    @randomcomma Let's suppose you have a really solid program for businesses, and you decide to build a startup around it. Who's going to drive your sales?
    Yes they can be tenacious at times, and are annoyingly persistent. But when they are selling an actual thing that people need, they play a critical role in helping businesses and individuals succeed. They help bridge the gap between "supply" and "demand," which ultimately benefits everyone.
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    @randomcomma If you're referring to the salesmen who kinda just wander around a random neighborhood hawking cheap cutlery or two-bit term life insurance underwritten by Toothless Joe's Guaranteed Acceptance Underwriters, then yeah: Those unfortunate souls are the bottom-feeders who make other salesmen look bad.
    Best one I ever saw was this guy selling door-to-door meat. No shit, he had a cooler full of frozen steak. I told him to get lost.
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    So linkedin and facebook?
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    @unfuckers-inc no, a place to rant about all the shitty customers who demand discounts because "I spend so much money here every year, you'd be out if business without me" (under $10k per year)... Or people who ask the physically-but-not-mentally handicapped female sales associate for "someone more physically qualified" to sell them a TV. Or the one who asked the quadriplegic amputee how he got off, like that's totally appropriate to ask in public. And how, even when you're being verbally assaulted, it's expected that you smile and find a politically correct way of telling those people to fuck off so the managers can say you followed policy and still not have corporate back your blacklist of these people.

    A place to rant about those people in a community similar to the one we have here, where we can rant about Wordpress and Windows sucking, and how customers demand 25x7 support and fuck you if you want a vacation.
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    @taylorviktorya ...

    *slow clap*

    Goddamn I do not envy that field nor do I have the social patience.
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    "I promised the customer some features nobody ever heard about, don't have anything to do with our core product and are actually impossible to develop. Now those arrogant developers don't want to build them. Fuck developers." #salespeoplelife
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    @unfuckers-inc if you're an attractive male, it's almost pleasant. Almost, but not quite. Anything else just leaves you open to "helpful suggestions" from customers. So if you ever end up needing to work retail, just be an attractive male.p
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    @taylorviktorya Eh, this whole thing reeks of lumping individuals into vague, broad groups.

    We've got far too much goddamned divisionism, and we're far too susceptible to the base instincts, the same which we needed to survive and enter the information age.

    Now we've entered an age where we no longer rely on attractiveness to help the species survive; nor assign tasks based on things as arbitrary as gender or skin color.

    We refuse to change, it's easier not to question, but most of all, years of sales and marketing psychology research have bred a super virus of hyper-desensitization.

    We capitalize on our own shortcomings to make a quick buck, because by the rules of our capitalistic system it's the only way to keep up, less our competitors take advantage while we don't.

    So Bill Hicks wasn't wrong when he said the entire field (Sales and Marketing) is fucking. evil.
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    @unfuckers-inc while mostly true, being the physically but not mentally handicapped sales associate in above story, I'm reserving the right to hate people in one gigantic lump of fucking everyone because that was one of the nicer things people have said.

    Most sales associates (in my tiny bubble of working select stores and companies over the last 7 years) start out nice, helpful, and generally pleasant. And then prolonged exposure to the general public corrupts them, makes them shine a little less bright.

    Except for the guys that the girls think are cute and flirt with to try to get a discount and that guys talk to because it's "a guy thing."

    My experiences might be clouding my vision, but while yes, you're correct in saying that we lump people together in generalizations, it's partially, if not largely, to do with patterns we see and experience throughout life, and while we may do our best to not generalize, it's hard to do when there are certain signs you look for when determining how best to approach someone, selling something or just trying to start a conversation (even in normal clothes not in your workplace).

    Would it be awesome to live in a world without generalizing each other? Yes. Likely to happen any time soon? Probably not.

    That all having been said, sales is a shitty place to be, no matter what role you play in it.
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    @taylorviktorya Guess what; when you're outcast, you put on armor. you til a fucking garden. You become enlightened through your pain and you want to do your best to see that it doesn't happen to others.

    I'm pretty lucky. white, straight & male. I'm no photogenic, just average. I grew up outcast because I never enjoyed sports, have allergies and would rather code or game. I can say I was alienated authetically, but I've still rolled an authentically good hand by no effort of my own.

    All I can say is I don't envy the cockyshit shitheads who have everything I have plus an affinity for popularity, good looks etc.

    That high-school mentality might translate well into the sales world; but they're just prolonging the inevitable confrontation with their own shallow existence.

    Or not, maybe they go their whole lives in ignorant shitheads bliss.

    Either way, I find katharisis in anger too. Just be sure to find time to empower yourself and find your own happiness.
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    Should of kept that idea quiet, I would have if I were you 😉
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    @unfuckers-inc oh. I have played (well) more sports than most two handed people, type faster than most, and have the longest fuse on my temper because yelling doesn't actually solve anything.

    I can also literally lend someone a hand (have a prosthetic that detaches at the wrist) and am a general smartass about my arm to keep things light.

    I can let the "I don't want my son to catch your condition" and the "your arm weirds me out" comments slide.
    In fact, I normally do, but that one dude just pissed me off so i had to politely ask if my boobs or my missing arm were going to get in my way of knowing the differences in tv's.

    I've met far too many amputees who let it impact them, and they look utterly miserable.

    I blame my not letting it get in my way on the fact that I didn't realize I was different until I was 4 our 5. 😂 I was a bit slow noticing that.
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    @taylorviktorya "salesRant".
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    @taylorviktorya @unfuckers-inc

    The eloquence of your conversation — in times where I often feel like language is slowly dying — makes me happy. If either of you would like to sell me a new TV...
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    Not quite sure what happened here. Every profession could probably do with a rant community, however, us devs got one cause well, we develop things!

    Although retail is very much sales, it doesn't quite fall into the remit of sales when coming from a dev context. Those people can very often be ignorant, egotistical bellends that end up selling software/services that they know very little about and proceeding to pluck functionality and features out of their asses with no consultation with the people that actually build the thing.

    Anyone attacking salespeople in this context is more than likely talking about people like that, not retail. Retail is a shit experience that I'm sure most of us have had to go through at some point. People are rude, disrespectful and inconsiderate and you are indeed expected to smile like a robot. I've been there as well as bar work where those same assholes are even more rude cause they're drunk. It is perfectly acceptable to hate people in those roles...
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    ...Best option, get the fuck out and get into coding as your full time profession. I dropped everything one day and just decided to go to uni to properly learn to code, I was done with retail and people and it's worked out pretty decent so far! Some things suck but are a means to an end, but if they really are that shit, make sure to remember they are just a stepping stone and be sure to commit to making that jump when the time is right.
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    @vanhoosr in my experience, most salespeople in tech are not knowledgeable enough, and promise things that can't be delivered.
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    @ALivingMemory I did consider that, but many non-dev people also consider retail associates sales, so there's a chance that was also whay was meant.
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    @bittersweet anytime :) I enjoy explaining the technology and helping people find what they want/"need"
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    @taylorviktorya Of course. I only meant that due to this being on devRant they'd be thinking of sales in their businesses etc.
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    @ALivingMemory but it was a wife, who might not be tech industry. Oh well lol
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