
I'll say one thing for June job searching...just by looking at logos it's really easy to shop around for a job that won't be at a woke company. Now I just need a job search filter that lets me sort out the temporary rainbow logos from the normal ones. (Honestly, how does anyone, gay or straight, work at any company that so blatantly shills for dollars through performative pandering? Just June. After that, "Gays? What gays?" Either commit to the WHOLE narrative all year long forever and change your logo permanently or GTFOH.)

  • 6
    Look at the same companies websites in the middle east. Not a rainbow to be seen there. Weird.
  • 7
    Hahaha we’re just an excuse to sell shit now. Happy gay month
  • 4
    Corporate Level boot licking.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Funny how that happens.
  • 4
    You've got the virus, it's on your mind a lot
  • 4
    @retoor It’s everywhere. And no vaccine exists.
  • 2
    @stackodev that's the thing, it's not everywhere. It's your radar triggering hard. It's the virus
  • 3
    @retoor Every website I visit. Every form I fill out. Every time I turn on the TV or the radio. Every time I check Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. Every gathering I go to. I just wanna go back to the 80s when I didn’t have any idea what people thought about politics or personal sexual proclivities. And HR wasn’t shoving this shit into our faces every day of every June.
  • 2
    @stackodev ethnicity information. OMG. Ze/Zir?
  • 1
    @stackodev I wonder if someone could make a sexual harassment case out of this at work.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Yeah, good luck finding a lawyer who’s willing to put his or her neck on the line to take on a sexual harassment case based on being fired for speaking out against HR. Or a judge/jury who will hear the case or decide it for the plaintiff. It’s all captured at this point.
  • 1
    Wow. Ze/Zir is amazing
  • 1
    Interestingly I did a little digging. Compelled speech is illegal in the USA. There have been and are currently cases being decided to this effect. For instance, you cannot compel a student to recite the pledge. I saw at least one pronoun case being fought in the courts (not sure when it will be resolved). The courts are basically telling people you don't have to use any speech you don't want to. This would include putting pronouns in your bio anywhere.
  • 2
    @Demolishun If I had the money to fight these unfireable middle management tyrants, I’d take it to the supreme court. But I don’t wanna end up bankrupted for legal fees and still being persecuted like the cake baking guy in Colorado (I think he’s on his third case after more harassment from people who could simply go to a baker’s dozen of other bakeries). I was looking forward to leaving alone and being left alone for my retirement years ahead.
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