
Whenever I go to some major Mastodon server, the explore page contains at least some of the following:
- a post about "rich" people bad
- a post labelling some group of people as "nazis"
- a post promoting some black / lgbt thing
- a post about "left-wing government good, right-wing government bad"

And at least 20% of the posts on the explore page are about how "we" are better than whatever the current negative topic in the media is.

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    Pretty much any social platform out there
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    Even though I consider myself a "leftist" ™️, I agree 100% with you.
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    Well, suck it
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    The only way to avoid that is to host your own mastodon server...
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    It's basically like Twitter but the other extreme of the spectrum.
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    @dmonkey 'Even though I consider myself a "leftist"'

    I consider myself a right wing, Jesus lovin', gun nut capitalist and love reading what "the other side" has to say. Helps keep my perspective grounded in reality. "To know thy enemy is to know thyself" sort of thing.

    *A lot* of my family member's perceptive doesn't go beyond what they watch on Fox News.

    My FoxNews-loving mother-in-law once asked me "You're pretty liberal, what do you think about ....?"

    Me: "Whoa...because I think Sean Hannity is poor shill for the republican party, doesn't make me a liberal, it makes me an objective and independent thinker."

    MIL: "anyway...don't you think ....<random republican talking point>?"

    Me: "No, I think we need to focus on what we agree on and not petty details that drive us apart."

    MIL: "huh...so you don't agree."

    *sigh* A day at a time.
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    @PaperTrail I think there are 1% in DC that "might" not be traitors. left/right is an illusion to divide and conquer. My distrust of the uniparty is extreme.
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    @Demolishun I am 100%, its kind of a WWE show, talking points are coordinated. The bereaucracy is too strong. And no one person has the guts to go against it. Who wants to jeopardize their political career, livelihood if they "go own their own".

    They give the appearance that there is opposition, so voters flock to the opposition when they are dissatisfied with the status quo, when opposition comes to power, same policies are enacted.

    Rinse, rise and repeat. Other than a societal, economical collapse on a national scale. I am not sure there are any other options. I am black pilled. This is the decaying of the US and together it brings down the entire other western puppets with them.
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    @jassole I am still optimistic. But if things go a certain way in the next few years I will be black pilled as well.
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    Also not to forget media provides cover for the establishment.
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    @jassole > "talking points are coordinated. The bereaucracy is too strong. And no one person has the guts to go against it."

    While I don't like Trump, he didn't use a filter. I've argued with my democratic/liberal/socialists friends+family, yea, Trump is a egoistical maniac, but he doesn't hide it. Trump is going to tell you exactly how he feels and is going to do what he says (like it or not). You know 100% of his tweets were probably him sitting on the pot spewing whatever crazy thing was in his head. Unlike Obama/Biden who have a team of word-smithing social psychologists strategizing how best to lie to the American people.

    Don't have the exact quote from a book describing how the Nazis convinced millions of Jews to, almost willingly, get on those trains. "How do you get people to do what you want? You lie to them."
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    Here is a really good example of the media lies. Melania wore a dress. The media made fun of it saying it looks like Trump scribbled all over the dress. Turns out the "scribbles" are from human trafficked children asked to describe their feelings by drawing pictures. Why would the media make fun of that? How sick do you have to be to trivialize the plight of children? It is an intentional lie to satisfy the foaming at the mouth of the medias base viewers.

    I could understand being cynical, but this repeated confusion of lie with truth is intentional and it shapes perception into a distortion of reality.
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    @Oktokolo I use Twitter a LOT and I see both far left, far right, and everything in between. But all I ever hear said about Mastodon (and now Threads) is that they are leftist echo chambers _only_. Maybe I’m wrong, because I refuse to jump through Mastodon hoops just to shitpost memes and start arguments with people who have no real education in reality. But OP’s observation tracks with what I’ve heard.
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    @Nanos I get emails from people who are just sure my dick don't work. lol
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    @Nanos it is by DESIGN to limit free speech. It is an attack on discourse and an attack on language. Which ultimately is an attack on civilization. That is why language is turning into a constantly moving goalpost. Why would anyone be attacking civilization? There is a replacement in mind. None of this is happening organically.
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    @Nanos People are escaping the shitty states, yes.
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    @Nanos I don't think the dinosaurs went anywhere. Chances are they evolved and have been competing with humans for dominance. Maybe they advanced the left the planet first. If they are they could be millions of years ahead with tech. A lot of things could have happened in the last 65 million years.

    But you are right. Humans are pretty shitty to each other. Maybe this pattern occurs many times in this planet and this universe.
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    Good thing about leftist echo chambers is that they have no one there to call oppressors and fascists so they end up finding new ways to become a victim by blaming each other. They take themselves out.

    As the old song goes, go woke go broke
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