
Never launch on the front camera!

There is not a single reason for a mobile phone camera software to launch on the front camera. Programmers of the software might believe it is "smart to memorize the last used camera", but in actuality, launching on the front camera is a common reason for not being able to capture events fast ehough.

Did the developers really think users will say "oh thank you, dear camera app, for not forgetting the last camera I used!" ?

Or, likelier than not, will they end up taking a selfie while the moment passes by behind the phone?

  • 6
    I want to see thing happening, not potato.
  • 7
    Put the user in control and let me choose behavior. It's shouldn't be hard :D
  • 1
    @MANICX100 most users wouldn't care to open the settings. So either you make a popup appear (annoying) or you choose wisely a default behavior
  • 4
    You can also just live life and stop trying to capture every "oh so unique and awesome" moment just to upload it to fucking Instagram along with the other 378943 not really so unique moments no one gives a fuck about.
  • 1
    @dmonkey Doesn't matter as the settings are for the users who are annoyed by the default behavior and therefore have an incentive to open the settings. So you don't need a popup. You just need any default and that default to be changeable in the settings.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX I don't use Instagram at all.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo doesn't work in my experience. Most users don't even realize you can change any behavior from the settings. So if they don't like the default behavior the app just "doesn't work" in their opinion.

    Consider I live in Italy, and here people are really stupid regarding tech.
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