
Hey folks pliz could u kindly help. Umm wat causes that when u create a jsp and write code in the editor but when you run it on the browser it outputs "todo write content". Like I mean a jsp file.. but when u run the file in NetBeans it does not retain the expected output on the browser instead it outputs "todo write content "

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    this isn't StackOverflow or ChatGPT
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    I don't know your tech so here's some low quality generic advice while the smart people find this:

    1. did you save the file?
    2. did you build since you last saved the file? (the IDE's "build and run" button does this)
    3. did you reload the browser page since your last build?

    After 5 years of webdev I still burn a few hours on debugging this once every couple months
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    @lorentz thanks . The tech I'm learning is Java
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    @Isheanopa I figured, I just don't know java very well
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