
Apparently, while SQLite will happily let you write recursive common table expressions, it won't let you write MUTUALLY recursive common table expressions. This doesn't seem to be documented although I suppose you could infer it from the section I didn't read on how they work internally. Such a shame that I can't do this good and useful thing which I have good applications for.

  • 0
    If you could elaborate, I might be able to help.

    Mutual recursion is doable to my knowledge.

    Regarding documentation... Don't skip it just because it seems of no interest.

    Especially in SQLite, where the documentation is usually of higher quality than what you find elsewhere...

  • 0
    I wrote a somewhat complicated query with mutual recursion and got a "parse error: circular reference". I think I tried some simpler test case and that also didn't work. I did this now and it does indeed fail.
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