
Yes ! Just copy paste an entire fucking react dashboard into our NextJs project !

But don't stop there mate. Fuck up your branch and mine too to a point even gitkraken can't tell me exactly what fucking operations you did.

This is my first Next project and my first time working with this new client and it's going tits up in less than a month. Fucking great job.

  • 3
    Don't give people access to your repo. Let them fork and smear poo on their own walls. Then reject them
  • 0
    @MANICX100 Am not in charge of the whole projects to setup the workflow but that was my bad for not seeing this coming
  • 0
    Hope more people will read this article keep up the good work This Article is Awesome. It’s help me a lot. Please keep up your good work. We are always with you and Waiting for your new interesting articles
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