
How do you handle 2fa authorization on GitHub?

  • 1
    more info needed. Do you mean SMS based 2FA or Authenticator app 2FA?
  • 7
    I can't handle this
  • 1
    Exactly. Which option do you choose, which app, is it avoidable at all and so on.
  • 2
    I tend to choose the quit GitHub option bc it's so annoying but wanted to hear how others endure it.
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    github app in mobile
  • 1
    I personally use Github app, and TOTP (I use authy for that)
  • 2
    Aegis app for everything
  • 1
    Oh thanks for the reminder.
  • 2
  • 1
    I prefer the sms way, but overall is a pain in the ass
  • 1
    I use the Google Authenticator app for 2FA. I have to use the Microsoft Authenticator app on my smartphone for work all day, so I am pretty used to it and don‘t mind it.
  • 1

    no big reason. but a small one: I mainly need this on mobile, and on iOS convenient that when you're on a web page asking you to enter a code, and you receive a 6 digit code via sms, the OS Will show a tooltip helping you to enter that sms code into the input without even switching apps.
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