
Fingers crossed, first app submitted to App Store

  • 1
    Congrats! and all the best!
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    @Nanos Can't even do that in "opensource" now: even RMS* was kicked out of his projects by do-nothings.

    The only recourse is violence, force, killings.

    Or inviting Russians in to kill everyone dead and gone.

    Ownership is "Dominion and control". None of you own anything.

    First they took away your girls.

    Then your real-property.

    Then your women.

    Then your sons and daughters.

    Then your dick and balls.

    Whites are here. And since whites just kill everyone else around the world because ("they are marrying young girls!!!!"): whites should die too.

    (Note: RMS acutally just runs a scam organization where he and friends collect money, promise to defend the GPL with lawsuits, and then claim they can't do anything and never file any. But people think he was kicked out so... well it publically appeared that way... FSF just bought him a new house btw)
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    Lol "K-ASS". Kiss ass. Begging to be "allowed" to have a program. 4channers like to claim I and my programs have been deplatformed everywhere. I distribute them on physical ISO discs to my friends.
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    Begging like a fucking dog.

    Kill your fucking enemies.
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    If you have to care if others are running your program: it isn't worth anything. Programs should make the programmer happy. An audience of One is fine.

    Remeber: that "money" you're chasing can't buy small female children for marriage: it is NOT MONEY. Money's original purpose was to purchase little girls as brides and to pay taxes. If a wheel cannot roll is it a wheel? (white faggots will say yes: but the answer is no). If Money cannot accomplish it's first purpose is it money? No it is not.
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    @byktnvkx cope harder when no one plays your game
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    I'll cope just as much when "no one played my 3d videogame levels".

    I made the levels for my own enjoyment.

    If I'm not getting money for something: why would I care if no one plays the thing? The enjoyment is from building it to the specifications I want. Not giving enjoyment to other people.

    I really don't get you nu-people. You seem just fucking gay. Like very fucking gay. Your whole modus of operation is to please others. I don't get it.

    Does anyone else get it?
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    @Alexanderr I never got an app rejected. I never submitted an app. Linux distros won't carry my programs because I'm "sexist mysogningst". They used to not care about such things before 2007. Then they removed the "hot girls" program from debian to placate "Debian women": something I said they would do once they created these women's groups.

    You just need to kill you enemies dead. That's the take-away. Someone challenges you: says you shouldn't have the things you want in life: torture and kill them dead and gone. Only way men get cute young girls anyway: too many white faggots alive.
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    @Nanos check the fuck generator I posted before, but now, in swift and fixed some bugs

    It’s a really dumb app
  • 2
    I meant duck generator…
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    @byktnvkx it’s actuall pronounced just as k s, but the pronounciation of s is the same as ass, sorry to burst your bubble
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    @electrineer you see, I live in the great country called United States, and they have a lot of ass
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