
Learning aws for months, not enough the company needs to use azure. Learning azure for several months, not enough the company needs to use gcp. Learning gcp for several months, not enough the company needs to use oracle.

When does all of this bullshit ever fucking stop? No matter how much i learn and what i learn it seems like its never good enough. Or its never enough. Its very discouraging. The more i learn the more it appears as if i know nothing

  • 4
    Now you're getting it!

    None of us knows what we're doing. But we can all figure it out if we have to.

    To answer your question, it never stops. It keeps going. If it was easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn't pay well.
  • 3
    I simply don't think there's any scenario where AWS is "not enough".

    Most expensive, yes, but not enough, never.
  • 1
    So your company have just provided you free training on the job for every major cloud environment?

  • 1
    @b2plane It will be enough when you learn to say NO.
  • 2
    @coldfire as soon as i say no to at least 1 of their things i immediately get ghosted or rejected.
  • 0
    @b2plane It's part of the process. You cant serve everyone, are you trying to be chatgpt ?
  • 1

    Maybe you are aiming a bit high?

    I mean, if you really want to be a cloud architect, it's absolutely needed to know all of that.

    But do you *have* to be a cloud architect?

    I mean, from your posts I get the impression you know webdev in which case there's no need to be an expert in any of these for a webdev job. It's easier to learn new stuff when you have certain job security.

    Cloud architecture is not exactly an entry or mid level position.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX i primarily want to work in backend but while working backend i have to learn devops to make my backend dev experience easier. So after learning devops i put that in my skills on linkedin and i get contacted by recruiters wanting devops engineers and no one wanting backend engineers. So i have to accept their offers and learn devops however way i can
  • 0

    Backend developers do not need knowledge of DevOps. Maybe in a small company there's overlap, but in that case you can pick the stack you want and get away with very basic setups.

    As for DevOps, well, I dare say that you don't *yet* have skills in DevOps, at least on a cloud architect level, because it's not something you can learn in a couple months.

    So, advertising that in your linkedin is risky at best, and it should come at no surprise that you fail technical screening for a role you are just starting at.

    By all means, continue learning, and above all, practicing, but don't expect to magically become a DevOps engineer overnight.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX i passed a technical interview for senior devops engineer. Its the job that im currently waiting to be hired at
  • 0

    Congratulations then, but of course, then it's to be expected that you actually know all the major cloud stacks.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX i know. My primary job is not devops. And i am far from being a devops expert. But im willing to learn on the job. The trouble seems to be to get a job in the first place
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    Yeah, that's the thing, I don't really think a *senior* position really allows for learning on the job.
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    @CoreFusionX I'll make sure they don't find out
  • 1
    Amazon literally spent the last 20 years reinventing IT so you now need to pay them to be in the game.

    You are not going to learn it all in a month. Give yourself a break. Learn as you go.
  • 1
    @Grumpycat been learning it since the start of 2023 and im getting more confident with it but still missing lots of knowledge and experience
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